Burst Search (RFID)

Default: On (See RFID Standard Setups/Presets Table)

Range: On or Off

When Burst Search is selected, the offset and length of each burst included in the acquired signal are recognized by a Burst Search algorithm. However, modulation quality results are computed from only one burst, which is specified by the Burst Index. The offset and length of the burst specified by Burst Index is used to determine the result offset and result length for the measurement.

If the last burst in the Acquisition Time is a forward burst, the burst search will sometimes misidentify noise after the forward burst as a return burst.

If the last burst in the Acquisition Time is a return-link burst and the burst ends very close to the end of Acquisition Time or extends past the end of Acquisition Time, then the burst search may erroneously indicate that the burst ends earlier than it really does. To work around this, ensure that the return-link burst ends well before the end of Acquisition Time.

When On is selected for Burst Search, the Sync Search Length is the same as Acquisition Length and the Burst Index determines the measurement region.

The following diagram shows how sync-related parameters are used when Burst Search is On:


When Burst Search is set to Off, The Result Length, Result Offset, Sync Search Length, Sync Search Offset, and Sync Offset are specified by entering values in the entry boxes in the Burst Search Off area of the Time tab.

The following diagram shows how sync-related parameters are used when Burst Search is Off:

A CW Burst Not Found message can indicate that the beginning or end of a burst is too close to the edge of the acquisition record for the software to determine the proper sync. To correct this problem, increase the acquisition length or increase the trigger delay to move the CW envelope edges away from the start or end of the acquisition time.

See Also

Burst Index (RFID)

Result Length (RFID)

Result Offset (RFID)

Sync Search Length (RFID)

Sync Search Offset (RFID)

Sync Offset (RFID)

Sync Search (RFID)

Sync Search Tab (RFID Demod Properties)