Undo/Redo Settings

If make an incorrect setting, you can quickly recover by selecting Undo. If Undo incorrectly a setting, you can Redo the undone setting.

How to Undo or Redo a setting

Using Hardkey/SoftTab/Softkey

Using a mouse

  1. Press Undo > Main.

  2. Click Undo or Redo.

  1. Click Undo and Redo Icons on Active Entry or Softkey Toolbar.

SCPI programming and Undo/Redo:

  • There are NO Programming commands to invoke Undo/Redo.

  • Programing commands are NOT Undo-able.

  • The Undo stack is cleared when programming commands are sent to the VNA.





Clear Undo History

To clear the Undo stack, press Undo > Main > Clear Undo History.

Undo and Security

Selected Undo-able settings

You can Undo or Redo the following VNA settings:

Note: There are several VNA settings that are NOT Undo-able. Because of this, when you attempt to Undo a long sequence of operations, it is unlikely that the original state can be recreated exactly.

Last modified:


First Release