Fast Device Tune Measurement

Last updated: 2014-11-28

This section is only applicable to the feature-licensed test application.

How Does the Test Set Support the Fast Device Tune Measurement?

How Do I Use the Fast Device Tune Measurement to Calibrate My MS?

Fast Device Tune Measurement Parameters

Fast Device Tune Measurement Results

How Does the Test Set Support the Fast Device Tune Measurement?

The Fast Device Tune measurement allows you to simultaneously calibrate your mobile station's transmitter (TX) output power and receiver (RX) input level across level and frequency in a single sweep. The measurement is not performed with a call established between the test set and mobile station (MS). Rather, you must place your MS into a test mode which forces it to transmit a predefined sequence of power steps at various frequencies, and forces it to simultaneously tune its receiver to perform measurements of the test set's signal at various frequencies and power levels.

Fast Device Tune Measurement Overview

The figure below shows a general view of the Fast Device Tune measurement. Once the Fast Device Tune measurement is initiated, the test set transmits downlink signals for the MS to do the synchronization (The power and frequency at which the test set transmits is respectively the first one in the MS RX frequency and power sequence). When the synchronization is set up, the real measurement (calibration sequence) is triggered by an output power from the MS (The MS must trigger the measurement with a power of at least 40dB above the Cell Power, see Input Signal Requirements). For the MS Rx calibration, the test set generates downlink signals at the specified power and frequency sequence, with a 5 ms re-tune time to switch to a new frequency and power; For the MS Tx calibration, the test set perform power measurements according to the specified power and frequency sequence, with a 10 ms re-tune time to switch to a new frequency.

Fast Device Tune Measurement General View

Before initiating the measurement, you must specify the power sequence that the MS will transmit (MS TX Power Sequence), and the frequencies at which the MS will transmit the power sequence (MS TX Frequency Sequence). You must also specify the power sequence you want the test set to transmit (MS RX Power Sequence), and the frequencies at which you want the test set to transmit the power sequence (MS RX Frequency Sequence). See Configuring the MS TX Frequency/Power Sequence and Configuring the MS RX Frequency/Power Sequence.

Configuring the MS TX Frequency/Power Sequence

The first step in the MS Tx sequence must be at least 40dB above the Cell Power to trigger the Fast Device Tune measurement.

The test set can measure a total of 400 power points in one measurement cycle (this means you must set Number of MS TX Power Steps and Number of MS TX Frequency Steps so that the product of the two is not more than 400). However, the measurement allows you to enter up to 40 MS TX Power Step Levels and 40 MS TX Frequency Step Values (indexed from 0 to 39, frequencies across bands are permitted). You must then use the MS TX Power Step Start Index and Number of MS TX Power Steps settings to specify which power steps comprise the MS TX Power Sequence, and the MS TX Frequency Step Start Index and Number of MS TX Frequency Steps settings to specify which frequency steps comprise the MS TX Frequency Sequence. See Example Frequency and Power Sequence - GPIB for an example illustrating how to utilize this flexibility.

The test set uses the values in the MS TX Power Sequence and the MS TX Frequency Sequence to build the MS TX Frequency/Power Sequence, which drives how the test set's receiver is tuned throughout the measurement cycle. To build the MS TX Frequency/Power Sequence, the test set simply repeats the MS TX Power Sequence at each of the frequencies in the MS TX Frequency Sequence, and inserts a frequency re-tune step (10 ms) in between each repetition of the power sequence (to allow the test set and MS to re-tune to the new frequency; no measurements are performed by the test set during the frequency re-tune steps).

Before initiating the measurement, you must ensure that your MS is set to transmit the MS TX Frequency/Power Sequence you've set in the test set, including the frequency re-tune steps.

Configuring the MS RX Frequency/Power Sequence

While the test set is measuring the MS TX Power Sequence, it also transmits a MS RX Power Sequence for the MS to measure.

The test set transmits its MS RX Power Sequence at each of the frequencies in the MS RX Frequency Sequence. The MS RX Frequency Sequence may include up to 40 frequencies.

As with the MS TX Frequency/Power sequence, the test set can transmit a total of 400 power points in one measurement cycle (this means you must set Number of MS RX Power Steps and Number of MS RX Frequency Steps so that the product of the two is not more than 400), but the measurement allows you to enter up to 40 MS RX Power Step Levels and 40 MS RX Frequency Step Values (indexed from 0 to 39). You must use the MS RX Power Step Start Index and Number of MS RX Power Steps settings to specify which power steps comprise the MS RX Power Sequence, and the MS RX Frequency Step Start Index and Number of MS RX Frequency Steps settings to specify which frequency steps comprise the MS RX Frequency Sequence. See Example Frequency and Power Sequence - GPIB for an example illustrating how to utilize this flexibility.

The test set uses the values in the MS RX Power Sequence and the MS RX Frequency Sequence to build the MS RX Frequency/Power Sequence, which drives how the test set's generator is tuned throughout the measurement cycle. To build the MS RX Frequency/Power Sequence, the test set simply repeats the MS RX Power Sequence at each of the frequencies in the MS RX Frequency Sequence, and inserts a frequency re-tune step (5 ms) in between each repetition of the power sequence. Furthermore, in the MS RX Power Sequence, each Rx power level is allowed to be repeated for MS RX Power Step Length times before switching to the next power level (See Fast Device Tune Measurement General View). A power re-tune step (5ms) is also inserted between the different power levels. The re-tune time is used to allow the test set and MS to move to the new frequency or power; the MS should not perform any measurements on the test set's signal during this time.

Before initiating the measurement, you must ensure that your MS is set to measure the MS RX Frequency/Power Sequence you've set in the test set, and that its tuning profile includes the frequency re-tune steps.

Fast Device Tune Measurement Channel Configuration

For the Fast Device Tune measurement, the downlink channel configurations are fixed in the test set, see Fast Device Tune Downlink Channel Configuration (Fixed). The Midamble configuration is fixed to 8 and the midamble shift is fixed to 1.

Fast Device Tune Downlink Channel Configuration (Fixed)





FDT Channel

Time Slot




TS2 - TS6

Channelization Codes


16_1, 16_2

16_5 to 16_6

16_1 to 16_2

Test Set Operating Considerations

Input Signal Requirements

To perform the Fast Device Tune measurement, you MS is expected to transmit on time slot 1 only. Besides, you must configure your MS to range, transmit and receive on a pre-defined Tx and Rx power/frequency sequence, which are exactly the same with what are configured on the test set. See Fast Device Tune Measurement Parameters.

The MS must trigger the measurement with a power of at least 40dB above the Cell Power (the downlink TS0).

To meet performance specifications, the input signal must meet the following requirements:

How Do I Use the Fast Device Tune Measurement to Calibrate My MS?

Recommended Steps to Perform a Fast Device Tune Measurement

Before Fast Device Tune measurement, make sure your MS's transmission meet the Input Signal Requirements.

  1. Set the test set's initial conditions (Operating Mode etc. See Test Set Operating Considerations), and set up the MS TX and RX Frequency/Power sequence to match your MS's configuration (see Configuring the MS TX Frequency/Power Sequence and Configuring the MS RX Frequency/Power Sequence).

  2. Verify that your MS is in the proper test mode and is configured to match the MS TX/RX Frequency Power series you've specified in the test set. Moreover, before initiating the Fast Device Tune measurement, it's strongly recommended you turn off your MS's transmitter. This is to avoid an unexpected trigger to start the measurement wrongly.

  3. Initiate the Fast Device Tune measurement (this prepares the test set's hardware to execute the frequency/power sequence you've specified and arms the measurement's RF rise trigger). See INITiate:<measurement mnemonic>[:ON] for the GPIB command.

  4. Prepare your MS to receive the downlink signal (on TS0 and DwPTS) at the first frequency and power of the MS RX frequency/power sequence, to synchronize with the test set.

  5. Send the INITiate:TFDTune:ARMed? query and wait for it to return a value of 1, indicating that the measurement is armed and ready to be triggered (or wait ~2 seconds if running the measurement from the front panel).

  6. Order the MS to begin transmission of its MS TX Frequency/Power Sequence. The MS should then transmit its first step power at least 40dB above the Cell Power to trigger the measurement with an RF Rise.

  7. When the measurements is finished, retrive the MS Tx power results from the test set (see FETCh:TFDTune), and MS Rx power results from the MS.

Example Frequency and Power Sequence - GPIB

The test set can measure/transmit 400 power points in one measurement cycle. However, you can enter up to 40 power values and 40 frequencies for both the MS TX and MS RX sequences. This flexibility is present to make it more efficient for you to test different power sequences over different sets of frequencies. You must load in the superset of power levels and frequency values once. Then for each measurement cycle, you simply change the start index and number of steps as needed and initiate the measurement.

The following section gives an example on how to set the frequency and power sequence, in GPIB commands.

//Set up the MS Tx power sequence. The MS TX Power Step Start Index = 19 and the Number of MS TX Power Steps = 10. The Tx Power points are (in dBm): 12.5, 7.5, 2.5, -2.5, -7.5, -12.5, -17.5, -22.5, -27.5, -32.5

SETup:TFDTune:MS:TX:POWer:STEP:LEVels 24.0, 21.0, 15.0, 5.0, -5.0, -15.0, -25.0, -35.0, -45.0, -55.0, -50.0, -40.0, -30.0, -20.0, -10.0, 0.0, 10.0, 20.0, 17.5, 12.5, 7.5, 2.5, -2.5, -7.5, -12.5, -17.5, -22.5, -27.5, -32.5, -37.5, -42.5, -47.5, -52.5, -49.0, -39.0, -29.0, -19.0, -9.0, 1.0, 11.0




//Set up the MS Tx frequency sequence. The MS TX Frequency Step Start Index = 0 and the Number of MS TX Frequency Steps = 40.

SETup:TFDTune:MS:TX:FREQuency:STEP:VALues 1880.8MHz, 1900.0MHz, 1919.2MHz, 2010.8MHz, 2024.2MHz, 2023.8MHz, 2022.2MHz, 2020.6MHz, 2019MHz, 2017.4MHz, 2015.8MHz, 2014.2MHz, 2012.6MHz, 2011MHz, 1919.2MHz, 1917.6MHz, 1916MHz, 1914.4MHz, 1912.8MHz, 1911.2MHz, 1909.6MHz, 1908MHz, 1906.4MHz, 1904.8MHz, 1903.2MHz, 1901.6MHz, 1900MHz, 1898.4MHz, 1896.8MHz, 1895.2MHz, 1893.6MHz, 1892MHz, 1890.4MHz, 1888.8MHz, 1887.2MHz, 1885.6MHz, 1884MHz, 1882.4MHz, 1880.8MHz, 2017.4MHz




//Set up the MS Rx power sequence. The MS RX Power Step Length = 1, MS RX Power Step Start Index = 0 and the Number of MS RX Power Steps = 1.

SETup:TFDTune:MS:RX:POWer:STEP:LEVels -105.0, -95.0, -85.0, -75.0, -65.0, -55.0, -45.0, -35.0, -25.0, -15.0, -20.0, -30.0, -40.0, -50.0, -60.0, -70.0, -80.0, -90.0, -100.0, -97.5, -92.5, -87.5, -82.5, -77.5, -72.5, -67.5, -62.5, -57.5, -52.5, -47.5, -42.5, -37.5, -32.5, -27.5, -22.5, -17.5, -19.0, -29.0, -39.0, -49.0





//Set up the MS Rx frequency sequence. The MS RX Frequency Step Start Index = 0 and the Number of MS RX Frequency Steps = 10.

SETup:TFDTune:MS:RX:FREQuency:STEP:VALues 1880.8MHz, 1900.0MHz, 1919.2MHz, 2010.8MHz, 2024.2MHz, 2023.8MHz, 2022.2MHz, 2020.6MHz, 2019MHz, 2017.4MHz, 2015.8MHz, 2014.2MHz, 2012.6MHz, 2011MHz, 1919.2MHz, 1917.6MHz, 1916MHz, 1914.4MHz, 1912.8MHz, 1911.2MHz, 1909.6MHz, 1908MHz, 1906.4MHz, 1904.8MHz, 1903.2MHz, 1901.6MHz, 1900MHz, 1898.4MHz, 1896.8MHz, 1895.2MHz, 1893.6MHz, 1892MHz, 1890.4MHz, 1888.8MHz, 1887.2MHz, 1885.6MHz, 1884MHz, 1882.4MHz, 1880.8MHz, 2017.4MHz



Fast Device Tune Measurement Parameters

The values in the brackets are default values.

Fast Device Tune Setup

This parameter can be set to any integer value between 0 and 39. However, MS TX Power Step Start Index + Number of TX Power Steps must not exceed 40.


This parameter can be set to any integer value between 0 and 39. However, MS TX Frequency Step Start Index + Number of TX Frequency Steps must not exceed 40.

GPIB Command: SETup:TFDTune:MS:TX:FREQuency:STEP:STARt[:INDex]

This parameter can be set to any integer value between 0 and 39. However, MS RX Power Step Start Index + Number of RX Power Steps must not exceed 40.

GPIB command: SETup:TFDTune:MS:RX:POWer:STEP:STARt[:INDex]

This parameter can be set to any integer value between 0 and 39. However, MS RX Frequency Step Start Index + Number of RX Frequency Steps must not exceed 40.

GPIB command: SETup:TFDTune:MS:RX:FREQuency:STEP:STARt[:INDex]

Indicates how many (consecutive) MS TX Power Step Levels are used for the MS TX Power Sequence.

This parameter can be set to any integer value between 1 and 40, but MS TX Power Step Start Index + Number of TX Power Steps must not exceed 40.


Indicates how many (consecutive) MS TX Frequency Step Values are used for the MS TX Frequency Sequence.

This parameter can be set to any integer value between 1 and 40, but MS TX Frequency Step Start Index + Number of MS TX Frequency Steps must not exceed 40.

GPIB command: SETup:TFDTune:MS:TX:FREQuency:STEP:COUNt

Indicates how many (consecutive) MS RX Power Step Levels are used for the MS RX Power Sequence.

This parameter can be set to any integer value between 1 and 40, but MS RX Power Step Start Index + Number of TX Power Steps must not exceed 40.


Indicates how many (consecutive) MS RX Frequency Step Values are used for the MS RX Frequency Sequence.

This parameter can be set to any integer value between 1 and 40, but MS RX Frequency Step Start Index + Number of MS RX Frequency Steps must not exceed 40.

GPIB command: SETup:TFDTune:MS:RX:FREQuency:STEP:COUNt

Indicates how many (consecutive) subframes for each MS RX power step.


Fast Device Tune MS TX/RX Parms

You can specify up to 40 mobile station output power levels (indexed from 0 up to 39). You must use the MS TX Power Step Start Index and Number of MS TX Power Steps settings to specify which of these (consecutive) power levels are used for the MS TX Power Sequence.

Although you can enter any power levels between -120 and +80 dBm when running the Fast Device Tune measurement, you can only measure power levels in the range of -70 to +30 dBm and the measurement is only specified for power levels in the range of -55 to +28 dBm (these ranges assume an amplitude offset of 0; the ranges change as you change amplitude offsets, see Amplitude Offset).

GPIB command: SETup:TFDTune:MS:TX:POWer:STEP[:LEVels]

You can specify up to 40 mobile station uplink frequencies (indexed from 0 up to 39). You must use the MS TX Frequency Step Start Index and Number of MS TX Frequency Steps settings to specify which of these (consecutive) frequencies are used for the MS TX Frequency Sequence.

You can test frequencies within the following two TD-SCDMA frequency bands:

GPIB command: SETup:TFDTune:MS:TX:FREQuency:STEP[:VALues]

You can specify up to 40 test set output power levels (indexed from 0 up to 39). You must use the MS RX Power Step Start Index and Number of MS RX Power Steps settings to specify which of these (consecutive) power levels are used for the MS RX Power Sequence.

Although you can enter any power levels between -165 and 37 dBm when running the Fast Device Tune measurement, the test set can only transmit test power levels in the range of -115 to -13 dBm ( RF IN/OUT ) or -115 to -5 dBm ( RF OUT ONLY ). These ranges assume an amplitude offset of 0; the allowable ranges change as you change amplitude offsets, see Cell Power, AWGN Power and Total RF Power Ranges.

GPIB command: SETup:TFDTune:MS:RX:POWer:STEP[:LEVels]

You can specify up to 40 downlink frequencies (indexed from 0 up to 39). You must use the MS RX Frequency Step Start Index and Number of MS RX Frequency Steps settings to specify which of these (consecutive) frequencies are used for the MS RX Frequency Sequence.

GPIB command: SETup:TFDTune:MS:RX:FREQuency:STEP[:VALues]

Fast Device Tune Measurement Results

Power (in dBm) is returned for each step in the MS TX Frequency/Power Sequence (except for the frequency re-tune steps). The total number of results returned by the measurement is always 400 (Number of MS TX Power Steps x Number of MS TX Frequency Steps power result values are returned, followed by 9.91E+37 (NAN) for all remaining values up to 400). The power results for the first frequency in the MS TX Frequency Sequence are returned first, then the power results for the second frequency in the MS TX Frequency Sequence, etc., followed by NANs if fewer than 400 points were measured.

An graphic display of Fast Device Tune measurement results is shown as below, based on the MS Tx power and frequency sequence defined in Example Frequency and Power Sequence - GPIB.

Related Topics

GPIB Commands: SETup:TFDTune, FETCh:TFDTune