Phase Discontinuity Measurement Description

Phase Discontinuity Measurement Description

Last updated: January 16, 2009

How is a Phase Discontinuity Measurement Made?

The Phase Discontinuity measurement can be used to measure a non-HSDPA signal (DPCH only) or an HSDPA signal (DPCH + HS-DPCCH).

To perform measurements on a non-HSDPA signal, set Trigger Source to Protocol or External . See Non-HSDPA Phase Discontinuity for additional information.

To perform measurements on an HSDPA signal ( lab application or feature-licensed test application only ), set Trigger Source to HS-DPCCH. See HSDPA Phase Discontinuity .

Non-HSDPA Phase Discontinuity

To measure phase discontinuity on a non-HSDPA signal (DPCH only), you must set Trigger Source to Protocol or External .

3GPP TS 34.121 s5.13.3.1 states: " Phase discontinuity is the change in phase between any two adjacent timeslots. The EVM for each timeslot (excluding the transient periods of 25 us on either side of the nominal timeslot boundaries), shall be measured according to subclause 5.13.2. The frequency, absolute phase, absolute amplitude and chip clock timing used to minimise the error vector are chosen independently for each timeslot. The phase discontinuity result is defined as the difference between the absolute phase used to calculate EVM for the preceding timeslot, and the absolute phase used to calculate EVM for the succeeding timeslot. "

Graphical Description of Phase Discontinuity (3GPP TS 34.121

" The best-fit rate of change of phase for each timeslot is calculated using the same process as used to minimize the EVM. This best-fit rate of change of phase is by definition the frequency error result for the timeslot. Due to the presence of power steps in the test, the data used for the best-fit calculation shall exclude the 25 us transition period at the beginning and end of each timeslot. The best-fit rate of change of phase for each timeslot is then extrapolated in both directions onto the timeslot boundaries. The phase discontinuity result at any one slot boundary is the difference between the extrapolated phase at the end of the timeslot preceding the slot boundary and the extrapolated phase at the start of the timeslot following the slot boundary. "

The non-HSDPA phase discontinuity measurement in the test set measures the change in phase between adjacent slots as prescribed in the test standard. Therefore the phase discontinuity reported for any given slot is the extrapolated starting phase of that slot minus the extrapolated ending phase of the previous slot (the 25 us transient periods on either side of the slot boundaries are excluded during the best-fit calculation of the rate of change of phase, such that only 617 us of each slot is used in the best-fit calculation).

The non-HSDPA phase discontinuity measurement also returns the extrapolated starting phase of each slot (normalized to the extrapolated starting phase of the Reference Timeslot ), the power of each slot, and several waveform quality results for each slot (see Phase Discontinuity Measurement Results ).

The total number of slots measured when the non-HSDPA phase discontinuity measurement is initiated is determined by Number of Pattern Repetitions or by Measurement Interval , depending upon the Power Control Pattern setting.

HSDPA Phase Discontinuity

This section is only applicable to the lab application or feature-licensed test application.

To measure phase discontinuity on an HSDPA signal (DPCH + HS-DPCCH), you must set Trigger Source to HS-DPCCH .

3GPP 34.121 s5.13.1AA states: " Phase discontinuity for HS-DPCCH is the change in phase due to the transmission of the HS-DPCCH. In the case where the HS-DPCCH timeslot is offset from the DPCCH timeslot, the period of evaluation of the phase discontinuity shall be the DPCCH timeslot that contains the HS-DPCCH slot boundary. The phase discontinuity for HS-DPCCH result is defined as the difference between the absolute phase used to calculate the EVM for that part of the DPCCH timeslot prior to the HS-DPCCH slot boundary, and the absolute phase used to calculate the EVM for remaining part of the DPCCH timeslot following the HS-DPCCH slot boundary. In all cases the subslot EVM is measured excluding the transient periods of 25 us. Since subslot EVM is only defined for intervals of at least one half timeslot, the phase discontinuity for HS-DPCCH is only defined for non-aligned timeslots when the offset is 0.5 slots. "

The HSDPA phase discontinuity measurement in the test set can be used to measure the change in phase across HS-DPCCH boundaries as prescribed in the test standard.

You can specify whether 0.5 slot or 1.0 slot steps are evaluated by the measurement using the HS-DPCCH Measurement Step Interval setting. You can change the placement of the measurement trigger (which coincides with step 1) using the HS-DPCCH Trigger Subframe Alignment , HS-DPCCH Trigger Slot Alignment and HS-DPCCH Trigger Subslot Alignment settings.

Measurement Step Interval and Trigger Placement for HSDPA

The phase discontinuity reported for any given step is the extrapolated starting phase of that step minus the extrapolated ending phase of the previous step (the 25 us transient periods on either side of the step are excluded during the best-fit calculation of the rate of change of phase, such that only 283 us or 617 us is used in the best-fit calculation depending upon whether HS-DPCCH Measurement Step Interval is set to 0.5 slot or 1.0 slot , respectively).

The HSDPA phase discontinuity measurement also returns the extrapolated starting phase of each step (normalized to the extrapolated starting phase of step 0), the power of each step, and several waveform quality results for each step (see Phase Discontinuity Measurement Results ).

The total number of steps measured when the measurement is initiated is determined by HS-DPCCH Measurement Step Count setting.

When Trigger Source is set to HS-DPCCH , when the measurement is initiated the test set checks to see that UL CL Power Ctrl Algorithm is set to Two and UL CL Power Ctrl Stepsize is set to 1 dB . If not, the test set sends the UE a Physical Channel Reconfiguration message with these values. (When the measurement completes, the values are returned to their pre-measurement states.) The test set then transmits alternating power control bits throughout the duration of the measurement.

Operating Mode Considerations

The phase discontinuity measurement is supported in Active Cell Operating Mode and FDD Test Operating Mode .

In Active Cell Operating Mode , you must be on a call before running the phase discontinuity measurement. You must set the UE to the proper power level before running the measurement by setting UL CL Power Control Mode to Active Bits and UE Target Power to the desired level.

In FDD Test Operating Mode , you must ensure that the UE is synchronized to the downlink frame clock before running the measurement. You must properly range the test set's receiver before running the measurement by setting the Expected Power and the UE's output power level accordingly. It is recommended that you set Power Control to Auto and use the UE Target Power setting to set the expected power (rather than setting Power Control to Manual and using the Manual Power setting). Auto power control is recommended because after completion of the measurement, the test set sets UE Target Power to the power level of the last measured step to aid in maintaining the connection between the test set and UE. The test set does not change the Manual Power setting to match the power level of the last measured step.

Phase Discontinuity Measurement Parameters

Non-HSDPA Phase Discontinuity Measurement Parameters

The following settings are only applicable when Trigger Source is set to Protocol or External .

  • Power Control Pattern

    When Power Control Pattern is set to 5UP/4DOWN or 5DOWN/4UP :

    • When the measurement is initiated, the test set checks to see that UL CL Power Ctrl Algorithm is set to One and UL CL Power Ctrl Stepsize is set to 1 dB . If not, the test set sends the UE a Physical Channel Reconfiguration message with these values. (When the measurement completes, the values are returned to their pre-measurement states.)
    • The test set then sends a repeating pattern of 5 up bits then 4 down bits or 5 down bits then 4 up bits, until the Number of Pattern Repetitions is reached. Thus the total number of slots measured by the test set is determined by the Number or Pattern Repetitions setting.
    • The Reference Timeslot (first timeslot measured) is always slot 14 of the frame prior to the start of the power control pattern.
    • When the measurement completes, in an attempt to maintain the connection with the UE the test set sets UE Target Power to the UE's output power in the final measured slot and sets UL CL Power Control Mode to Active Bits when in Active Cell Operating Mode or to Alternating Bits when in FDD Test Operating Mode .

    When Power Control Pattern is set to NONE :

    • The power control pattern sent to the UE when the measurement is initiated is determined by the UL CL Power Control Mode setting (for example, 10 Up/Down bits ).
    • The total number of slots measured by the test set is determined by the Measurement Interval setting.
    • The Reference Timeslot (first timeslot measured) is determined by the Reference Timeslot setting.

    When Power Control Pattern is set to 18 UP or 18 DOWN :

    • When the measurement is initiated, the test set checks to see that UL CL Power Ctrl Algorithm is set to One and UL CL Power Ctrl Stepsize is set to 1 dB . If not, the test set sends the UE a Physical Channel Reconfiguration message with these values. (When the measurement completes, the values are returned to their pre-measurement states.)
    • The test set then sends 18 up bits or 18 down bits. When Power Control Pattern is set to 18 UP or 18 DOWN , the Number of Pattern Repetitions is fixed to 1. Thus, the total number of slots measured by the test set for one measurement execution is 19 (the Reference Timeslot plus 18 slots).
    • To measure phase discontinuity across the entire dynamic range of your UE, repeatedly execute the phase discontinuity measurement until the desired range has been tested. Each time the measurement completes, the test set sets UE Target Power to the UE's output power in the final measured slot. Thus, there is no need to change the UE Target Power between measurements that are intended to span the dynamic range of the UE, unless you choose to include some overlap between the consecutive measurements.
    • The Reference Timeslot (first timeslot measured) is always slot 14 of the frame prior to the start of the power control pattern.

  • Number of Pattern Repetitions

    When Power Control Pattern is set to 5UP/4DOWN or 5DOWN/4UP , the Number of Pattern Repetitions setting determines the number of times the chosen pattern is sent to the UE. The measurement ends once the specified number of pattern repetitions has been sent, so this setting determines the total number of slots measured by the test set. The total number of timeslots measured is equal to the Reference Timeslot plus 9*( Number of Pattern Repetitions ). The maximum number of timeslots that can be measured is thus 91.

    When Power Control Pattern is set to NONE , this setting is ignored.

    When Power Control Pattern is set to 18 UP or 18 DOWN , this setting is fixed to 1 .

  • Reference Timeslot

    When Power Control Pattern is set to NONE , the Reference Timeslot setting determines the first timeslot to be measured (within the first available frame after the measurement is initiated). For example, if you set Reference Timeslot to 4 , then the first slot measured will be the 5th slot of the frame (because the slots are numbered 0 to 14 in a frame).

    When Power Control Pattern is set to 5UP/4DOWN , 5DOWN/4UP , 18 UP or 18 DOWN , the Reference Timeslot is always slot 14 of the frame prior to the start of the power control pattern. Thus, this setting is ignored.

    The test set compares all other slots to the Reference Timeslot when determining the Phase (in degrees) result.

  • Measurement Interval

    When Power Control Pattern is set to NONE the Measurement Interval setting determines the number of adjacent slots for the test set to measure. The test set measures the number of slots specified by the Measurement Interval setting, starting with the timeslot specified by Reference Timeslot .

    When Power Control Pattern is set to 5UP/4DOWN , 5DOWN/4UP , 18 UP or 18 DOWN , this setting is ignored.

HSDPA Phase Discontinuity Measurement Parameters

This section is only applicable to the lab application or feature-licensed test application.

The following settings are only applicable when Trigger Source is set to HS-DPCCH .

Phase Discontinuity Measurement Results

The following results are available via the FETCh:WPDiscon[:ALL]? command, or from the front panel (see How Do I Make a Phase Discontinuity Measurement? ).

The following results are only available via the FETCh:WPDiscon:EVM:PEAK:WORSt? GPIB command (not from the front panel).

Results Returned for Each Step Measured:

As mentioned above, the measurement indicates which step(s) had the worst measurement results. The measurement also returns all measurement results for all measured steps.

The measurement results for all steps are available from the front panel (except peak EVM; peak EVM is only available via GPIB). See How Do I Make a Phase Discontinuity Measurement? .

You can also query all of the measurement results (except peak EVM) for a particular step using the FETCh:WPDiscon:STEP?<sp><step num> command. To query the peak EVM for a particular step, use the FETCh:WPDiscon:EVM:PEAK:STEP?<sp><step num> command.

You can also query a particular measurement result for all steps using the FETCh:WPDiscon:TRACe?<sp>DISC|PHASE|POW|EVM|PERR|FERR|MERR|TERR|OOFF|EVMPK command. Simply append the command with the specific measurement result you are interested in, and the results for all measured steps are returned.

Key 3GPP Tests Performed Using the Phase Discontinuity Measurement

The phase discontinuity measurement can be used to test 3GPP TS 34.121 5.13.1AA, 5.13.3, as well as the 3GPP TS 25.101 minimum requirement:

Phase Discontinuity Minimum Requirement
Phase Discontinuity (in degrees) Maximum Allowed Rate of Occurrence (in Hz)
Phase Discontinuity </= 30 1500
30 < Phase Discontinuity </= 60 300
Phase Discontinuity > 60 0

Regarding 3GPP TS 34.121 test 5.13.3: section specifies "NOTE: In order to make it practical to measure the entire power control dynamic range (between min power threshold and max power threshold with suitable margins), it is permissible to segment the power control sequences into smaller subsequences. Except when within 5 dB of the upper or lower thresholds, segmentation will require sufficient overlap such that every power step in one direction is followed by four steps in the other direction." This overlap ensures that the full dynamic range of the UE is tested, as there is some uncertainty in the actual UE output power based on Active Bits closed loop power control. Without overlapping the subsequence ending and starting powers, some portion of the UE's output power range may not be tested. To implement the specified overlap, after running the Phase Discontinuity measurement with Power Control Pattern set to 5UP/4DOWN ( or 5DOWN/4UP ), instead of immediately running the measurement again to test the next subsequence, first set UE Target Power to 4 dB below (or above) the ending power of the prior test subsequence. A faster method of ensuring that the full dynamic range of the UE is tested is as follows: after testing two subsequences, compare the Power (in dBm) of the first slot in the current subsequence with the power of the last slot in the prior subsequence to ensure that they are equal or have some overlap. If not, set UE Target Power accordingly and retest the subsequence.

Phase Discontinuity Measurement Input Signal Requirements

Phase Discontinuity Measurement Calibration

You must calibrate the phase discontinuity measurement using the measurement calibration procedure (see Calibrating the Test Set ).

Related Topics

Manual Operation: How Do I Make a Phase Discontinuity Measurement?

Programming the Phase Discontinuity Measurement

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