PRACH Preamble Analysis Measurement Description

PRACH Preamble Analysis Measurement Description

Last updated: January 16, 2009

This section is only applicable to the lab application.

How is a PRACH Preamble Analysis Measurement Made?

3GPP TS 25.101, 6.8 states "Transmit modulation defines the modulation quality for expected in-channel RF transmissions from the UE. The requirements apply to all transmissions including the PRACH/PCPCH pre-amble and message parts and all other expected transmissions. In cases where the mean power of the RF signal is allowed to change versus time e.g. PRACH, DPCH in compressed mode, change of TFC and inner loop power control, the EVM and Peak Code Domain Error requirements do not apply during the 25 us period before and after the nominal time when the power is expected to change."

The PRACH preamble analysis measurement determines the modulation and timing errors between the transmitted signal of the UE and the ideal signal. The measurement algorithm is similar to that used in the waveform quality and IQ tuning measurements (see Waveform Quality Measurement Description and IQ Tuning Measurement Description ), except that the measurement is performed on a PRACH preamble burst, rather than over a timeslot of the DPCH transmission.

You can choose whether to include the "transient periods" of 96 chips (25 us) on either side of the PRACH preamble in the measurement using the Transient Period setting (for all measurement results except Relative Power (in dB) ). The measurement can thus be performed over the entire PRACH preamble burst, (4096 chips, or 1066.7 us), or only over 3904 chips (1016.7 us).

Before initiating a PRACH preamble analysis measurement, turn the UE on and wait for it to camp to the test set's signal. When you initiate the PRACH preamble measurement by pressing START SINGLE or sending the INITiate command, the test set sets Call Limit State to On to prevent successful call connection, then pages the UE (the test set returns Call Limit State to its prior setting after completion of the measurement). This forces the UE to transmit PRACH preamble bursts.

After the measurement is triggered by a burst (see Trigger Source ) it must determine which signature the UE used to transmit the PRACH preamble so that it can decode the burst data. To do this, it attempts to correlate the data to each of the signatures specified by the PRACH Signature setting. The measurement will execute fastest if you only specify one available signature.

When operating in FDD Test Operating Mode , you do not have access to the PRACH Signature setting, as the test set does not send this type of signalling to the UE in FDD test operating mode. However, when you initiate the measurement in FDD test operating mode, the measurement uses the value last set in the PRACH signature setting to determine which signatures to try to correlate to the PRACH preamble burst. Thus, before running this measurement in FDD test operating mode, you must switch to Active Cell Operating Mode and ensure that the PRACH Signature setting includes the signature that your UE will transmit.

To perform the PRACH preamble analysis measurement, you must set Available Subchannels (Bit Mask) to only allow one available subchannel.

You must also set PRACH Preambles to at least 3 before initiating this measurement. It is recommended that you set PRACH Preambles to 3 , PRACH Ramping Cycles (MMAX) to 1 , and Call Limit State to Off before initiating this measurement to minimize issues after the measurement has completed. See the following:

No other measurements can be running when a PRACH preamble analysis measurement is performed. If any measurements are running when a PRACH preamble analysis measurement is initiated, they are closed and a message is displayed to indicate that they were closed.

PRACH Preamble Analysis Measurement Parameters

PRACH Preamble Analysis Measurement Results

Results Returned for Each Chip Measured

A typical measurement result is shown below:

Key 3GPP Tests Performed Using the PRACH Preamble Analysis Measurement

3GPP TS 34.121 5.13.4 PRACH Preamble Quality.

PRACH Preamble Analysis Measurement Input Signal Requirements

PRACH Preamble Analysis Measurement Calibration

This measurement should be calibrated using the Calibrate Measurements function ( CALibration:MEASurements? ) when the temperature has changed by more than ± 10° C since the last calibration. If this situation exists, the integrity indicator value becomes 19 and a message is displayed indicating "Uncalibrated Due to Temperature".

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Manual Operation: How Do I Make a PRACH Preamble Analysis Measurement?

Programming the PRACH Preamble Analysis Measurement

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Triggering of Measurements

Integrity Indicator