Flex Apps:
Command Syntax
Continues all calibrations that are in process. As a calibration progresses, message or decision dialogs often appear. For example, the user might be instructed to disconnect any front-panel inputs to a module. This command is equivalent to clicking the dialog's Next or Done button. Use the CALibrate:CANCel
command for an equivalent of the Cancel button. Use the :CALibrate:SDONe
command to pause your application until the user clicks a button and to determine the which button was pressed.
Example Command Sequence
The following commands are used for a typical vertical calibration.
:CALibrate:SLOT3:STARt :CALibrate:SDONe? :CALibrate:CONTinue // Dismiss the begin notice calibration dialog :CALibrate:SDONe? :CALibrate:CONTinue // Dismiss the disconnect notice dialog :CALibrate:SDONe? :CALibrate:CONTinue // Dismiss calibration complete dialog *OPC?