Query Syntax
Query Response
{1 | 0}
Queries the completion of a calibration step, which results in a dialog being displayed where the user must choose either to continue or cancel the calibration. The CAL:SDONe?
query response string is the message shown in the dialog enclosed in double quote characters and followed by a newline character.
For example, following string is returned during a mainframe user timebase calibration when the introductory dialog is displayed:
"Please connect a 10.000000 GHz clock signal to the Calibration Channel and to the Front Panel Trigger. The amplitude must be between 100 mV p-p and 700 mV p-p. Important: You must use a calibrated microwave or vector signal generator. Do not use a pattern generator or arbitrary waveform generator."\n
At this point, the user clicks a NEXT or CANCEL button, which is accomplished remotely using the :CALibrate:CONTinue
or :CALibrate:CANCel
If a calibration has not been initiated, the following string is returned.
"No Calibration in progress."
Example Command Sequence
The following commands are used for a typical vertical calibration.
:CALibrate:SLOT3:VERTical:STARt :CALibrate:SDONe? :CALibrate:CONTinue // Dismiss the begin notice calibration dialog :CALibrate:SDONe? :CALibrate:CONTinue // Dismiss the disconnect notice dialog :CALibrate:SDONe? :CALibrate:CONTinue // Dismiss calibration complete dialog *OPC?