
Flex Apps:

Command Syntax

:CHANnelN:ATTenuator:STATe {OFF | ON}

Where N identifies a specific channel and must be selected from {1:8}{A|B|C|D}. For example, CHANnel3C.

Query Syntax



Turns on and off compensation for external attenuator in the test setup. This allows FlexDCA to report measurement values as if the measurements were made before the attenuator rather than at the oscilloscope's channel input. You can select to enter the amount of attenuation in decibels or as a voltage ratio (:CHANnel:ATTenuator:DECibels or :CHANnel:ATTenuator:RATio). The relationship between decibels and voltage ratio is expressed by:

When entering attenuation in decibels, enter the attenuation as a positive value. Gain is implied when you enter negative decibel values.

For example, if your test setup included 3 dB of attenuation, a signal with a 100.0 mV one level (before the attenuation) would be measured as 70.8 mV at the oscilloscope's channel input. However, after entering 3 dB (or 1.413:1 ratio) of attenuation compensation, the corrected oscilloscope measurement would read 100 mV.

Based on an attenuation factor expressed as a voltage ratio, the conversion would be:

Based on an attenuation factor expressed in decibels, the conversion would be:

Use the :CHANnel:ATTenuator:RESet command to reset the attenuation to the default value of 0 dB (1:1). See also external transducer compensation.

Requires FlexDCA revision A.01.80 and above.


:CHANnel2A:ATTenuator:STATe ON