Flex Apps:

Command Syntax

:CHANnel{1:8}{A|B|C|D}:FILTer {ON | OFF | 1 | 0}

Where the required specifier {1:8}{A|B|C|D} identifies a channel by its module slot number and channel letter. For example, channel 3C (CHANnel3C).

The channel specifier will fail if it does not include a slot number. If instead the suffix's channel letter is missing, the command defaults to letter A. As a result, the best practice is to always explicitly specify the channel by including both the module slot number and channel letter.

Query Syntax


Query Response

{1 | 0}


Turn on or off the use of reference filters on an optical channels for compliance testing. SONET/SDH, Gigabit Ethernet, and Fibre Channel standards have defined the compliance tests for consistency in standard measurements. These tests must be performed in a specific bandwidth. This bandwidth is achieved using the filters in the optical channels. The compliance tests then verify the performance of the input signal in that bandwidth. These filters concur with specific SONET/SDH, FC, or Gb En data rates. The filters available for the optical channels are dependent upon the type of plug-in module used to measure the input waveform. Use the :CHANnel{N}FSELect command to select a given filter.

Modules with a single filter allow you to only turn the available filter on or off. Modules that have filters that remain in the filter path at all times allow you to only select the filter you want to use from the Filter On. The selected filter will always remain enabled.

Simulated optical modules do not support reference filters. Sending this command has no affect on simulated optical modules.

The optical filter selection is only displayed for plug-in modules with internal optical channels.

Example Command