Deprecated command. For FlexDCA revision A.06.70 and above, use the :CRECovery:JSANalysis:PLLoop:OJTF:BANDwidth
Command Syntax
:CRECoveryN:JSANalysis:PLLoop:OJTF:BWIDth} <count>
<count> is a double.
Where N identifies the slot number and must be selected from {1:8}. The slot number is associated with the N1060A, N1076A/B, N1077A, N1078A, or 86108B module with Option JSA. When an 86108B module is used, the slot number is always 1.
Query Syntax
Defines the bandwidth of a first- or second-order PLL's Observed Jitter Transfer Function (OJTF). The following table shows the bandwidth settings for some standards. The maximum bandwidth setting is 20 MHz. Use the :CRECovery:JSANalysis:PLLoop:JTF:BWIDth
command to set the bandwidth of the Jitter Transfer Function (JTF).
Standard | First-Order Loop Filter | Second-Order Loop Filter |
SAS 1.5 Gb/s | 900.0 kHz | 900.0 kHz |
SAS-SSC 1.5 Gb/s | — | 1.300 MHz |
SATA 1.5 Gb/s | — | 2.100 MHz |
SAS 3.0 Gb/s | 1.800 MHz | 1.800 MHz |
SAS-SSC 3.0 Gb/s | — | 1.838 MHz |
SATA 3.0 Gb/s | — | 1.000 MHz |
SAS 6.0 Gb/s | 3.600 MHz | 3.600 MHz |
SAS-SSC 6.0 Gb/s | — | 2.600 MHz |
SATA 6.0 Gb/s | — | 4.200 MHz |
QPI | — | 3.000 MHz |
USB 3.0 | — | 4.900 MHz |
Requires an N1060A, N1076A, N1077A, or 86108A/B clock-recovery module that has Option JSA (Jitter Spectrum Analysis and SW Clock Recovery Emulation).
N107X-Series Option JSA |
N1060A Option JSA |
86108A/B Option JSA |
83490-Series | N4877A |
♦ | ♦ | ♦ |
Requires FlexDCA revision A.01.70 and above.
Example Command Sequence
:CRECoveryN:JSANalysis:PLLoop:OJTF:BWIDth 1.8E6