
Removed command for revision A.03.00 and above. This command is no longer available. Use :LTESt:MEASure:MLIMit:STATe insead.

Command Syntax

:LTESt:MEASure:AMPLitude:LOCation{1:32}:STATe {ON | OFF | 1 | 0}

Query Syntax


Query Response

{1 | 0}


Turns on and off limit testing for a specific Amplitude measurement in Jitter/Noise Mode. The measurement is identified by a number, from 1 to 32, that is appended to the :LOCation portion of the command. The number locates the measurement in the active measurement list, which is shown in the displayed results table. The active measurement list is indexed starting at 1 in the top-left corner; the location increases row-by-row from left to right. As a result, the first (top most) measurement in the following figure is identified as 1. It is the TI measurement. The second measurement, identified as 2, is RN (rms) Ones. The third measurement, identified as 3, is RN (rms) Zeros, and so forth. You can query the location number of any measurement in the :MEASure subsytem by using the measurement's :LOCation child command. For more information, refer to the introduction to the limit test subsystem.

Use the following sibling commands to configure the limit test:

  • :FAILures defines the number of failures for stopping a limit test
  • :FREGion selects when to fail a measurement
  • :LLIMit defines the lower limit for failing a measurement
  • :ULIMit defines the upper limit for failing a measurement
  • :UPACtion selects an action if the measurement cannot be performed

FlexDCA must be in Jitter/Noise mode with amplitude measurements enabled.

Requires Jitter Mode with additional Advanced Amplitude Analysis/RIN/Q-Factor license .

Example Command Sequence

This example returns the location of ISIones interference measurement in Jitter/Noise mode, which in this example is "3". Then, later in the program, this location number is used to enable limit testing on the ISIones measurement.

:LTESt:MEASure:AMPLitude:LOCation3:STATe ON