Meas. mode:
Flex Apps:

Command Syntax


In the command syntax, Y1A, Y2A, Y3A, and Y4A select the marker.

Query Syntax


Where N identifies one of four markers {1:4}{A|B|C}. For example, :MARKer2B.


Use this command to turn markers on or off:

Turns the marker on as a manual Y marker. These markers can be positioned anywhere along the display's Y axis independently of the waveform. To turn on an X-axis manual line marker, use the :MARKer:X:STATe command.
Turns the marker on as a tracking marker. The associated X marker is automatically set to MANual to complete the pair. These markers are designed to be positioned along the data points of single-valued waveforms.
Turns the marker off.

The Y2A marker identifier could also be entered as Y2B or Y2C. However, avoid using these "B" and "C" variations as they are reserved for future use.

Example Command Sequence

This example illustrates how to use all of the marker related commands and, as a result, is not presented as a best measurement practice. The example uses a tracking marker, manual line X marker, and manual line Y marker. Because a tracking marker is used, the waveforms must be single-valued. You could also turn on two tracking markers and read the delta values between them.

  //  Configure Manual Line Marker X1
:MARKer:X1:STATe MANual  //  Turn on marker
:MARKer:X1:SOURce CHAN1A  //  Assign marker to Channel 1A waveform
:MARKer:X1:POSition 80E-12  //  Position marker to 80 ps  //  Configure Manual Line Marker Y1
:MARKer:Y1A:STATe MANual  //  Turn on Y manual line marker 1.
:MARKer:Y1A:SOURce CHAN1A  //  Assign marker to Channel 1A waveform
:MARKer:Y1A:POSition 120E-3  //  Position marker to 120 mv
:MARKer:REFerence X1  //  Set markers X1 and Y1 as the reference  //  Configure Tracking Marker Pair 2
:MARKer:Y2A:STATe TRACking  //  Turn on marker
:MARKer:X2:SOURce FUNCtion3  //  Assign marker to FUNCtion3 waveform
:MARKer:X2:POSition 200E-12  //  Position marker on screen  //  Prompt tester to position marker on the waveform  //  Return Marker Table Measurements for Tracking Marker 2
:MEASure:MARKer:DX2?  //  Return ΔPosition
:MEASure:MARKer:IDX2?  //  Return inverse of ΔPosition
:MEASure:MARKer:DY2A?  //  Return ΔMagnitude
:MEASure:MARKer:Y2A?  //  Return Y2 Magnitude