Deprecated command. For FlexDCA revision A.03.00 and above. Use :MTESt:ALIGnment:Y:METHod
Command Syntax
:MTESt{N}:YALign {DISPlay | EWINdow}
{N} identifies a specific mask and must be a value from 1 to 16. For example, :MTESt2:
selects mask 2.
Query Syntax
Specifies the method used to align the mask's Y-axis. It ensures that the mask will be properly adjusted on the display. Alignment mode needs to be specified for optical NRZ masks. . EWINdow specifies that instrument aligns the mask using the one level and zero level of the eye diagram.
- Aligns the mask's Y axis using the Vbase and Vtop of the eye diagram. This can be used for all mask tests.
- Align the Y axis to the eye boundaries (one and zero logic levels). This argument applies to optical NRZ mask. It is typically used to align 10 GB Ethernet masks. This alignment mode does not apply to fixed-voltage masks. Use
to set the eye boundaries.