
Meas. mode:
Publish mode:
Flex Apps:

Command Syntax

:REPository:MEASure:PUBLishN:NAME <custom name>

Where N identifies a custom measurement and must be a value from 1 to 16. For example, :REPository:MEASure:PUBLish2:NAME.

Where <custom name> is a string.

Query Syntax



For the Custom publishing mode, allows you to change the measurement's name. By default, a custom measurement name is automatically generated. The name is shown both in the Repository Setup dialog and, after the data is published, as the data label within the N8844A. This command lets you overide the default name with your own custom name. For example, you could change a default name of "Custom Rise Time 2" with "Rise Time at 38C" as shown in the following figures. After entering the custom name, use the :REPository:MEASure:PUBLish:STATe command to ensure that the name is used.

Custom name shown 2 in dialog box

Custom name shown in N8844A

Requires FlexDCA revision A.05.70 and above.

Starting with FlexDCA revision A.06.02, a FlexDCA license is no longer required to use FlexDCA with the N8844A Data Analytics Web Service Software.

Example Command Sequence

FlexDCA.write(':REPository:MEASure:PMODe CUSTom')
index = FlexDCA.query(':MEASure:EYE:RISetime:LOCation?')
FlexDCA.write(':REPository:MEASure:PUBLish2:SOURce:TYPE EYE')
FlexDCA.write(':REPository:MEASure:PUBLish2:SOURce:LOCation ' + index)
FlexDCA.write(':REPository:MEASure:PUBLish2:NAME "Rise Time at 38C"')
FlexDCA.write(':REPository:MEASure:PUBLish2:ULIMit 30.0E-12')
FlexDCA.write(':REPository:MEASure:PUBLish2:LLIMit 20.0E-12')
FlexDCA.write(':REPository:MEASure:PUBLish2:STATe ON')

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