
Flex Apps:

Query Syntax

:SYSTem:SOFTware:FEATures:VERSion? "<software feature>"

Where <software feature> is the identification string representing an enabled software feature.

Query Response

{1 | 0}


Returns the version date of an enabled software feature in the form of "1.000". The specified feature must be enabled for use. Before sending this command, always confirm that the software feature is enabled using the :SYSTem:SOFTware:FEATures:ENABled? command. The following table lists the valid software feature parameters for this query. These are the same strings returned by the *OPT? common command. Notice that valid parameters start with the "F-" characters. Be sure to enclose the parameter with quote characters. Entering an other parameter (or no parameter) results in an –224, Illegal parameter value message.

Software Feature Parameters
Parameter Software Feature
F-AEYE Advanced Eye Analysis
F-AFR Automatic Fixture Removal in TDR Mode
F-ATDR Enhanced Impedance and S-Parameters
F-AWG Keysight Arbitrary Waveform Generator Control
F-EQ Equalizers (CTLE, DFE, LFE)
F-FEYE FlexEye Independent Eye Acquisition and Analysis
F-FLEX FlexDCA Remote Access Software
F-JIT Enhanced Jitter Analysis
F-PAM PAM-N Analysis Software
F-PTDQ Partial TDECQ, Noise Margin, and SER Measurements
F-SIM InfiniiSim-DCA Waveform Transformation Toolset
F-TDEC NRZ TDEC Measurement
F-TDQ TDECQ Measurement and Equalizer
F-UDI Unrestricted Data File Import
F-UDMO User Defined Measurements and Operators

Starting with FlexDCA revision A.06.02, the F-KAP parameter is no longer valid with this command as a FlexDCA license is no longer required to use FlexDCA with the N8844A Data Analytics Web Service Software.

Requires FlexDCA revision A.06.00 and above.

Example Query

:SYSTem:SOFTware:FEATures:VERSion? "F-AWG"