Conditions to Monitor
Flex Apps:
FlexOTO Instance:
Hardware Diagram
This topic lists register bits that are associated with conditions that you want to monitor.
Condition | Status Name | Registers |
Acquisition limit test completion | COMPACQ | :STATus:ACQuisition:EVENt? (bit 0)
ACQ | :STATus:OPERation:EVENt? (bit 9)
Calibration completion | DONE | :STATus:CALibration:EVENt? (bit 0)
CAL | :STATus:OPERation:EVENt? (bit 14)
FlexOTO transitioned from remote mode to local mode | LOCAL REG | :STATus:LOCal:EVENt? (bit 0)
LCL | :STATus:USER:EVENT? (bit 0)
LCL | *STB? (bit 1)
Message displayed and placed in message queue | MSG | :STATus:MESSage:EVENt? (bit 0)
MSG | *STB? (bit 2)
Trigger has been received | TRG | :STATus:TRIGger:EVENt? (bit 0)
TRG | *STB? (bit 0)
An operation is complete | OPC | *ESR? (bit 0)
OPC | *STB? (bit 5)
Query error detected | QYE | *ESR? (bit 2)
QYE | *STB? (bit 5)
Device-dependent error detected | DDE | *ESR? (bit )
DDE | *STB? (bit 5)
Execution error detected | EXE | *ESR? (bit 4)
EXE | *STB? (bit 5) | |
Command error detected | CME | *ESR? (bit 5)
CME | *STB? (bit 5)
Off-to-on transition has occurred | PON | *ESR? (bit 7)
ESB | *STB? (bit 5)