Test Program (Measure Config. Settings)

FlexOTO Instance:

In the Test Program Measurement Setup and Test Line Setup dialogs, the Measurement Configuration settings can be made as shown in the following figure.

ER Units
Select the units used to report the Outer ER measurement results: Decibel, Percent, or Ratio.
Linearity Definition
The following table lists the three standards definitions that can be selected for defining measuring linearity
Selections for Linearity Definition
RLM (IEEE 802.3 Annex 120D). This is the default definition.
RLM (IEEE 802.3 Clause 94)
Eye Linearity (CEI 4.0)
Power Units
Select to be reported in Watts or dBm.
Target Transition
selects transition time based on the Slowest edge, average Rising edge, or average Falling edge.
Target Hit Ratio
The default hit ratio is 1.0E-2.

The following tables show which of the above settings apply to each FlexOTO measurement.

Measurements Affected by Configuration Settings (PAM4 Waveform)
Measurement Power Units Outer ER Units Linearity Definition Target Transition Target Hit Ratio
Average Power
Ceq Noise Gain
Outer ER
Outer OMA
Peak-Peak Power
Transition Time
Tx Power Excursion