Test Program (Waveform Settings)

FlexOTO Instance:

In the Test Program Measurement Setup and Test Line Setup dialogs, enter the Waveform's Symbol Rate and Pattern Length for the selected Lane.

Standard Symbol Rates
Symbol Rate in Baud Designation
125.0 MBd FDDI/100M Ethernet
155.52 MBd STM-1/OC-3
270.0 MBd SDI
614.4 MBd CPRI
622.08 MBd STM-4/OC-12
768.00 MBd OBSAI
1.06250 GBd 1G Fibre Channel
1.22880 GBd CPRI 2x
1.244160 GBd GPON/OC-24
1.25000 GBd Gb Ethernet
1.48500 GBd SDI
1.50000 GBd SATA-1/SAS-1
1.53600 GBd OBSAI 2x
2.12500 GBd 2B Fibre Channel
2.4576 GBd CPRI 4x
2.48832 GBd STM-16/OC-48
2.50000 GBd PCIe1/2 Gb Ethernet/InfiniBand
2.6660570 GBd STM-16/OC-48 FEC
2.97000 GBd SDI
3.00000 GBd SATA-2/SAS-2
3.07200 GBd CPRI 5x / OBSAI 4x
3.12500 GBd XAUI / 10GbE Base-LX4
3.18750 GBd FC-3187/10GBE Base-LX4
3.25000 GBd Rapid IO
3.32000 GBd 12x Parallel Optics
4.25000 GBd 4G Fibre Channel
4.9152 GBd CPRI 8x
5.00000GBd PCIe-2/2x InfiniBand
6.00000 GBd SATA-3/SAS3/CEI
6.144 GBd CPRI 10X / OBSAI 8X
6.25000 GBd 2x XAUI
6.37500 GBd CEI 6G+
8.00000 GBd PCIe-3
8.1100800 GBd CPRI 16x
8.50000 GBd 8x Fibre Channel
9.8304 GBd CPRI 16x
9.95328 GBd STM-64/OC-192/10GbEthernet
10.00 GBd InfiniBand QDR
10.1376 GBd CPRI 20x
10.3125 GBd 10Gb Ethernet LR/ER
10.51875 GBd 10G Fibre Chanel
10.664230 GBd STM-64/OC-192 FEC
10.7090 GBd STM-64/OC-192 FEC
11.0000 GBd CEI 11G
11.0957 GBd 10Gb Ethernet FEC
11.3170 GBd 10GFC FEC
12.165120 GBd CPRI 24x
12.249450 GBd STM-64/OC-192 SuperFEC
12.44160000 GBd ITU-T PON
14.025000 GBd 16G Fibre Channel
14.06250 GBd InfiniBand FDR
16.00000 GBd PCIe-4
24.33024000 GBd CPRI 48x
24.88320000 GBd ITU-T PON
25.78125 GBd 100GbE/4 / InfiniBand EDR
26.56250000 GBd 400GBASE-SR16
27.7393 GBd 100Gb Ethernet / 4 FEC
27.952493 GBd OTU4/ITU-T G.959.1
28.05 GBd 32G Fibre Channel
28.9 GBd 64G Fibre Channel
32.00000 GBd PCIe-5/PCIe-6
39.81312 GBd STM-256/OC-768
41.250000 GBd 40Gb Ethernet
43.018413 GBd STM-256/OC-768 FEC
49.76640000 GBd ITU-T PON
53.125 GBd 400GBASE
56.100000 GBd 128G Fibre Channel
Standard Pattern Selections
Selection PAM4 Format Number of
40 - PCIe Compliance 40  
62 - PAM4 Clock 62  
120 - FC RPAT 120  
384 - 802.3ae TWDP segment 384  
640 PCIe Idle 640  
2640 - CJPAT 2640  
2280 - CRPAT 2280  
3360 - CRPAT (2) 3360  
3760 - CJPAT (2) 3760  
3780 - XAUI CRPAT 3780  
3820 - XAUI CJPAT 3820  
5280 - GbE Test Frame 5280  
7641 - XAUI CJPAT 7641  
9000 - JTPAT 9000  
15562 - CEI Stress 15562  
18944 - CEI Stress 18944  
20480 - SPAT 20480  
20840 - CSPAT 20840  
21760 - CJTPAT 21760  
30240 - XAUI CRPAT 30240  
33792 - 10GbE 33792  
90000 - FDDI Wander 90000  
92160 - SATA 92160  
311040 - SONET CID 311040  
PRBS 7 (127 symbols) 127 27−1 pseudo-random symbol sequence (127 symbols).
PRBS 7 (128 symbols) 128 27 pseudo-random symbol sequence (128 symbols).
PRBS 9 (511 symbols) 511 29−1 pseudo-random symbol sequence (511 symbols).
PRBS 9 (512 symbols) 512 29 pseudo-random symbol sequence (512 symbols).
PRBS 10 (1023 symbols) 1023 210−1 pseudo-random symbol sequence (1,023 symbols).
PRBS 10 (1024 symbols) 1024 210 pseudo-random symbol sequence (1,024 symbols).
PRBS 11 (2047 symbols) 2047 211−1 pseudo-random symbol sequence (2,047 symbols).
PRBS 11 (2048 symbols) 2048 211 pseudo-random symbol sequence (2,048 symbols).
PRBS 13 (8191 symbols) 8191 213−1 pseudo-random symbol sequence (8,191 symbols).
PRBS 13 (8192 symbols) 8192 213 pseudo-random symbol sequence (8,192 symbols).
PRBS 15 (32767 symbols) 32767 215−1 pseudo-random symbol sequence (32,767 symbols).
PRBS 15 (32768 symbols) 32768 215 pseudo-random symbol sequence (32,768 symbols).
PRBS 16 (65535 symbols) 65535 21−1 pseudo-random symbol sequence (65,535 symbols).
PRBS 16 (65536 symbols) 65536 216 pseudo-random symbol sequence (65,536 symbols).
PRBS 20 (1048575 symbols) 1048575 21−1 pseudo-random symbol sequence (1,048,575 symbols).
PRBS 20 (1048576 symbols) 1048576 220 pseudo-random symbol sequence (1,048,576 symbols).
PRBS 23 (8388607 symbols) 8388607 21−1 pseudo-random symbol sequence (8,388,607 symbols).
PRBS 23 (8388608 symbols) 8388608 220 pseudo-random symbol sequence (8,388,608 symbols).