Test Program (Presets Settings)

FlexOTO Instance:

In the Test Program Measurement Setup and Test Line Setup dialogs, the following Presets can be selected. These presets are provided in both FlexDCA and FlexOTO.

Presets Selections

Keysight Supplied CDR Presets
CEI-112G-VSR/MR/LR (53 GBd)
CEI-56G-VSR/MR/LR (26 GBd)
IEEE 802.3bs/cd (26 GBd) PAM4 (Covers the IEEE 802.3cu clause)
IEEE 802.3bs/cd/ck (53 GBd) (Covers the IEEE 802.3cu clause)
Keysight Supplied TDECQ Measurement Presets
IEEE 802.3bs
IEEE 802.3bs Amended
IEEE 802.3cd (Covers the IEEE 802.3cu clause)
IEEE 802.3db/D2.0
Fiber Channel PI - 7 Rev 0.13
Keysight Supplied TDECQ Equalizer Presets
IEEE 802.3bs
IEEE 802.3bs Ammended
IEEE 802.3cd (Covers the IEEE 802.3cu clause)
IEEE 802.3db/D2.0 SR (844-863 nm)
IEEE 802.3db/D2.0 VR (842-948 nm)
IEEE 802.3db/D2.0 VR (842-918 nm)
IEEE 802.3db/D2.0 VR (842-888 nm)
IEEE 802.3db/D2.0 VR (842-868 nm)
Fiber Channel PI - 7 Rev 0.13

You can easily create your own FlexOTO measurement Presets in FlexDCA. FlexDCA saves your custom preset file in the following folder. Your presets will automatically be available to select in FlexOTO.

D:\User Files\Presets\

To create a CDR preset

  1. Connect an N109x-series DCA-M to FlexDCA.
  2. In FlexDCA's N109x Setup dialog click the Clock Recovery tab. Make your settings selections.
  3. Save your custom FlexDCA preset.
  4. Open FlexOTO's Test Program Measurement Setup or Test Line Setup dialog.
  5. In the dialog's CDR Preset field, select your preset in the drop-down list.

To create a TDECQ Measurement preset

  1. Connect an N109x-series DCA-M to FlexDCA.
  2. Place FlexDCA in Eye/Mask mode.
  3. Click the PAM tab along FlexDCA's left side.
  4. Locate and click the PAM Setup button in the PAM tab. This opens the PAM-N Analysis Setup dialog.
  5. Click the dialog's Measurement Configuration tab.
  6. Save your custom FlexDCA preset.
  7. Open FlexOTO's Test Program Measurement Setup or Test Line Setup dialog.
  8. In the dialog's TDECQ Meas Preset field, select your preset in the drop-down list.

To create a TDECQ EQ preset

  1. In FlexDCA, click Measure > Waveform Signal Processing.
  2. In the dialog, select the Signal Processing tab and drag the TDECQ operator down to the sheet.
  3. Click on the TDECQ operator to open the TDECQ Reference Equalizer Setup dialog.
  4. In the Reference Rx tab.
  5. Save your custom FlexDCA preset.
  6. Open FlexOTO's Test Program Measurement Setup or Test Line Setup dialog.
  7. In the dialog's TDECQ EQ Preset field, select your preset in the drop-down list.