Keysight Pathwave 89600 VSA .NET API
Input Class Members
See Also  Properties  Methods  Events
Agilent.SA.Vsa.Interfaces Assembly > Agilent.SA.Vsa Namespace : Input Class

Glossary Item Box

The following tables list the members exposed by Input.

Public Properties

 NameDescriptionMinimum SW Version
Public PropertyAcquisitionSequenceCountGets the number of acquisitions in a sequential input channel configuration. See the ChangeLogicalChannels methods to configure a sequential input channel configuration.  25.00
Public PropertyActiveInputDomainsGets a value indicating the current input domains for the Measurement.  26.00
Public PropertyActualTimeReferenceGets the actual time reference used. The DesiredTimeReference property is used to set the desired time reference.  29.00
Public PropertyActualTimestampSourceGets the actual timestamp source. The TimestampSource property is the desired timestamp source and this property indicates the actual source.  28.40
Public PropertyAnalogGets the Analog object for the measurement.  
Public PropertyArmingTriggerGets the InputArmingTrigger object for the measurement. This trigger arms or starts the measurement. See Trigger for the data (or gating) trigger.  29.00
Public PropertyDataFromGets or sets whether measurement data comes from the hardware or a recording.  
Public PropertyDesiredTimeReferenceGets or sets the desired time reference to use.  29.00
Public PropertyDigitalGets the Digital object for the measurement.  
Public PropertyExtensionParameterCouplingGets or sets how parameter changes should be coupled when changing an input extension parameter value. This property is ignored when recalling state and only applies when a parameter is changed. The coupling only applies to input extensions of the same type.  25.00
Public PropertyExtensionsGets a reference to a collection of objects (one per hardware group) for custom input parameters.  
Public PropertyIsDisposedGets a value indicating whether the object has been disposed. If an object has been disposed any attempt to use it will lead to an ObjectDisposedException being thrown. (Inherited from Agilent.SA.Vsa.RemotableObject)
Public PropertyIsExtensionStatePerAcquisitionGets or sets a value indicating whether the state for the input extensions is allowed to be different per acquisition when using sequential input channels. The default is false. Some input extensions may not support a value of true.  25.00
Public PropertyLogicalChannelsGets the collection of logical input channels that is currently used by the measurement.  
Public PropertyLogicalChannelTypesSupportedGets a collection of the logical channel types that are supported by the currently selected hardware for this measurement.  
Public PropertyMeasurementChannelsGets the collection of logical input channels that is currently used as measurement channels by the measurement.  15.00
Public PropertyPreferredInputDomainsGets or sets a value indicating which input domains to prefer when loading a Measurement.  26.00
Public PropertyRecordingGets the Recording object for the measurement.  
Public PropertySequentialTrackingModeGets the sequential tracking mode. See the ChangeMeasurementChannels function to change it.  26.20
Public PropertySwitchGets the Switch object for the measurement.  
Public PropertyTimestampSourceGets or sets the desired timestamp source to use.  28.40
Public PropertyTriggerGets the InputTrigger object for the measurement.  
‡ This is the minimum 89600 VSA software version level needed to use this member.

Public Methods

 NameDescriptionMinimum SW Version
Public MethodChangeInputDomainsOverloaded. Changes the Measurement to be loaded using a subset of the requested input domains.  
Public MethodChangeLogicalChannelsOverloaded. Changes the input channel configuration for the current measurement by specifying logical channel types for the input channels.  
Public MethodChangeLogicalChannelsAcquisitionCountChange the sequential acquisition count for the current logical channel configuration while keeping the physical to logical channel mapping per acquisition as is. The logical to measurement channel mapping will be the default mapping if it was already a default mapping when this function is called. If it was not the default mapping then it will keep the mapping as is if it is a valid mapping with the new acquisition count, otherwise it will change it to the default mapping. The default mapping is for logical channels in increasing order to be mapped directly to measurement channels in the same order.  25.00
Public MethodChangeLogicalChannelsByCountOverloaded. Changes the input channel configuration for the current measurement by specifying the number of logical input channels.  
Public MethodChangeMeasurementChannelsOverloaded. Selects which logical channels to use as measurement channels for this measurement.  
Public MethodChangeSequencedLogicalChannelsOverloaded. Changes the input channel configuration for the current measurement by specifying the sequence count (number of times to make acquisitions) and the logical channel types for the input channels. The total number of logical channels will be the logical channel types count times the sequence count.  
Public MethodCreateObjRefCreates an object that contains all the relevant information required to generate a proxy used to communicate with a remote object. (Inherited from System.MarshalByRefObject)
Public MethodForceRebuildKeyMapThis method is used to force a refresh of the key map. This is necessary in cases where the key mappings to the API objects change. This can happen when the index of an item within a collection is reflected in the key name, and an item is removed from the middle of a collection. (Inherited from Agilent.SA.Vsa.RemotableObject)
Public MethodGetLifetimeServiceRetrieves the current lifetime service object that controls the lifetime policy for this instance. (Inherited from System.MarshalByRefObject)
Public MethodInitializeLifetimeServiceObtains a lifetime service object to control the lifetime policy for this instance. (Inherited from Agilent.SA.Vsa.RemotableObject)
Public MethodUpdateTimestampUpdates the timestamp value (as a GPS time) that VSA should use for the acquisition. This is used when the TimestampSource is set to TimestampSource.User. This must be called after the measurement is started. The timestamp to be provided must be the GPS time of the trigger (the assumption is that external trigger is likely being used). This is only supported when using a Measurement.IsContinuous value of false.  28.40
‡ This is the minimum 89600 VSA software version level needed to use this member.

Public Events

 NameDescriptionMinimum SW Version
Public EventPropertyChangedOccurs when a property value changes. (Inherited from Agilent.SA.Vsa.RemotableObject)
Public EventPropertyInfoChangedOccurs when secondary information about a property, such as limits, changes. (Inherited from Agilent.SA.Vsa.RemotableObject)
Public EventRemotePropertyChangedOccurs when a property value changes. (Inherited from Agilent.SA.Vsa.RemotableObject)
Public EventRemotePropertyInfoChangedOccurs when secondary information about a property, such as limits, changes. (Inherited from Agilent.SA.Vsa.RemotableObject)14.00
‡ This is the minimum 89600 VSA software version level needed to use this member.

See Also