External Millimeter-Wave Module Configuration

This feature, when used with the N526xA test sets and external mmWave Modules, extends the frequency coverage of your PNA. The N5251A broadband system is also configured using the Millimeter Module Configuration dialog.

In this topic:

See Also

Other IF Access Topics

Note: In the PNA user interface and in this help file, the N526xA Millimeter Head Controller is referred to as a test set. The test head modules are referred to as mmWave modules.

CAUTION: Turn OFF test set power before connecting or disconnecting the DC cable to the mmWave modules.


The following Applications are supported:

The following configurations are supported:


Broadband and Banded mmWave Measurements

Broadband refers to mmWave configurations with a frequency range of 10 MHz to 110 GHz. This configuration spans the entire frequency range in a single sweep.

Banded refers to any configuration that is not a broadband configuration and is waveguide based. Frequency extenders cover frequency ranges from 50 GHz to 1.1 THz. The supported solutions can be configured for different frequency bands with or without a test set controller depending on the measurements required and the frequency extenders being used.

The following table shows the waveguide designation equivalents.

MIL-DTL-85/3C IEEE Std 1785.1 Frequency Range


50 GHz to 75 GHz



60 GHz to 90 GHz



75 GHz to 110 GHz



90 GHz to 140 GHz



110 GHz to 170 GHz



140 GHz to 220 GHz



170 GHz to 260 GHz



220 GHz to 330 GHz



330 GHz to 500 GHz



500 GHz to 750 GHz



750 GHz to 1.1 THz

Reference: IEEE Standard for Rectangular Metallic Waveguides and their interfaces for frequencies of 110 GHz and above - Part 1: Frequency Bands and Waveguide Dimensions.


PNA-X Notes

How to Configure Millimeter-Wave Modules

Using front-panel
[softkey] buttons

Using Menus

  1. Press system

  2. then [Configure]

  3. then [Millimeter Module]

  1. Click Utility

  2. then System

  3. then Configure

  4. then Millimeter Module Config

There are NO programming commands to configure mmWave modules and test set.


Millimeter Module Configuration dialog box help

Note: To protect your mmWave modules from damage, settings on this dialog can ONLY be changed manually or with a remote program.  They can NOT be reset or changed by performing a Preset, or by recalling an Instrument State.

Available Configurations  Lists the Standard PNA configuration and other mmWave configurations that you have created.

  • Click New for first-time use.

  • For the N5251A, select Broadband 10MHz - 110GHz.

  • For banded, define a frequency band.

  • Select Standard PNA to exit mmWave module operation.

Selected Configuration  Shows the currently selected configuration. Edit this field to change the configuration name. Type a unique name using only alphanumeric characters and underscore.

New  Click to create a new Millimeter Module configuration. A name is automatically selected. Edit the Selected Configuration field to change the configuration name.

Remove  Deletes a Millimeter Module Configuration.

Test Set Properties

Selected Test Set  Select a test set to use in the current configuration. The firmware does NOT check to ensure that the selected test set is connected.

Route PNA RF to rear panel "SW SRC OUT"   Available ONLY on PNA-X with option 224 or 423 AND when using N5261A and N5262A test sets.

When checked, Port 1 source is switched to J11 and Port 3 source is switched to J8 on the PNA rear panel.  Use this configuration to quickly switch the RF Output back to the PNA front panel.

Mixer Mode  Check to allow mixer testing using SMC. Learn more.

Enable Test Set RF ALC  Available for N5261A and N5262A ONLY.  When checked, power is automatically leveled at the mmWave module RF input when using the standard cables and making non-pulsed measurements. Clear this box to use non-standard cables or when making pulse measurements. When cleared, the following fields become available:

Max Power Limit  The maximum mmWave module RF input is limited to this value when Test Set RF ALC is OFF.  When you exit this dialog box using OK, set the power out of the PNA using the Power and Attenuator dialog.

Power Offset  Sets the loss of the cables. The mmWave module RF input is adjusted by this amount.  Positive offset increases the power.

Power Slope  Helps compensate for cable and test fixture power losses at increased frequency. The mmWave module RF input power increases as the sweep frequency increases in dB/GHz.  The slope is defined relative to the mmWave module RF input frequency.  The slope starts at 0Hz and a positive slope will increase the power level. Range is +/- 2 dB/GHz.

Note: Changing any of the source controls after a calibration will cause the source power cal to be turned off. A source power cal will need to be performed again with the new settings.

Frequency Settings

Multiplier RF IN  RF Frequency Range (displayed in grey fields) multiplied by this value = test port frequency range.

Multiplier LO IN  LO Frequency Range (displayed in grey field) multiplied by this value equals the test port frequency.  The IF frequency is:

  • 'C' Models = 8.333 MHz

  • PNA-X models = 7.605 MHz

Test Port Frequency  Set the Start and Stop frequencies of the selected configuration at the test ports.  This becomes the displayed Start and Stop frequency of the PNA.

Important Notes

  • To set Test Port Frequency, first set the appropriate Multiplier values that are specified in your mmWave module documentation.

  • Ensure that the RF and LO Frequencies (highlighted below) are within the frequency range of the sources. The PNA offers no warning if they are NOT.


Click a button to launch the External Devices dialog where you can select an internal or external source to be used for the PNA LO source or PNA RF source.

Cancel  Closes dialog box without saving changes.

OK  Saves the configuration and the PNA is Preset before making the appropriate settings.

Mixer Mode

Mixer measurements can be made at mmWave frequencies using SMC. (VMC measurements are NOT supported.)

Beginning with A.09.40, mixer measurements can be made with a 2-port test set connected to a 4-port PNA-X. This configuration yields a 2-port mmWave system. Learn about 2-port system connections and limitations.

Before A.09.40, The Mixer Mode checkbox could be enabled ONLY when the number of PNA test ports matched the number of ports on the mmWave test set. This means that an N5261A (2 port test set) could ONLY be connected to a 2-port PNA and an N5262A (4 -port test set) could ONLY be connected to a 4-port PNA.


  1. Connect your DUT to the mmWave system as described below.

  2. Configure this dialog (Millimeter Module Configuration). Check Mixer Mode, then press OK. This presets the PNA.

  3. Create an SMC measurement.

  4. Make mixer settings. As with standard SMC measurements, only two DUT ports can be swept in frequency. The remaining DUT port must be a fixed frequency.  See configuration used for harmonic mixers.

  5. Increase power for mmWave modules that are connected directly to a PNA port or external source.

  6. Calibrate using the SMC Calibration Wizard with mmWave Power Control.

Hardware Connections for Mixer mode

The following image shows the standard connections from a N5261A or N5262A test set port to a mmWave module.

mmWave mixers usually require that two of the three mixer ports operate at mmWave frequencies. When Mixer Mode is checked on this dialog (Millimeter Module Configuration), the following restrictions apply:

Connections with a 4-port mmWave system



Connections with a 2-port mmWave system

Although supported, testing mmWave mixers with a 2-port system can be challenging for the following reasons:

Downconverters - requires two mmWave modules as sources

Upconverters - requires a mmWave module as a source at the DUT LO and a mmWave module as a receiver at the DUT Output:

Measuring Harmonic Mixers

Harmonic mixers have a multiplier circuit in the LO port of the DUT.  Enter the multiplier value in the numerator of the X LO port in the SMC mixer setup dialog.  This will provide the correct LO frequencies out of the appropriate source.

Spectrum Analyzer mmWave Measurements

Beginning with A.10.45.xx, spectrum analyzer measurements can be made at mmWave frequencies using the Option 090 Spectrum Analyzer application plus Option 093 or Option 094. Broadband and banded mmWave measurements are supported. The test set configuration is required for both.

Options 093 and 094 are mmWave measurement options specific to the Spectrum Analyzer application. Broadband measurements require Option 093 and measure from 10 MHz to ≤ 110 GHz. Banded measurements require Option 094 and measure frequencies > 110 GHz.

Note: The IF Response Adjustment must be performed each time a new configuration is set up or if cables are changed.

The following procedure outlines the steps required to set up a spectrum analyzer mmWave measurement.

  1. Configure the mmWave measurement using the Millimeter Module Configuration dialog.

  2. On the PNA front panel, press Meas, then [Measurement Class].

  3. Select Spectrum Analysis, then either:

  1. A Spectrum Analysis measurement is displayed. Learn about setting up a Spectrum Analyzer measurement.

  2. Select other mmWave supported measurement classes as needed.

mmWave Module Power Level Control

Beginning with A.09.40, the following TWO features are integrated into Guided Cal:

The following table shows features that can be used to provide leveled power to the input of your DUT for S-parameter and SMC measurements.



Use when...

Use for...

Access the feature...

Receiver leveling

Provides a sweep-to-sweep leveled power.

Works anytime.

S-params and SMC

Before or after Cal

Use Multiple Sensors

Allows several power sensors to be used to calibrate source power.

You require more than one power sensor to complete the source power calibration of the measurement frequency range.

S-params and SA

During Guided Power Cal

Power Table

Build or use a file that contains data of mmWave module output power vs frequency.

A power sensor is NOT available for calibration of the mmWave modules being used.


During Std Source Power Cal

SMC and SA

During Guided Power Cal

Calibrate the source at multiple power levels

Source power is measured using the specified power meter/sensor or PNA receiver to construct a 2D power table.

A component is used in the source path which does not have NOT linear gain or loss over frequency.


During Std Source Power Cal

S-parameter measurements

If you have one or more power sensors that spans the frequency range of your measurement, then use the following process.

Otherwise, perform a standard Source Power Cal. Learn how.

Using one or more power sensors

Check ALC Enabled (if available) on the Millimeter Module Configuration dialog.

  1. With an S-parameter measurement active, press Cal, then Start Cal, then Calibration Wizard, then SmartCal.

  2. On the following Select Ports dialog, check Calibrate source and receiver power, then click Next.

  1. Important: In the following dialog, check Use Multiple Sensors, even if using only one sensor.

Learn about this dialog.

  1. Complete the Guided Cal process.

Note: During the 'Connect a power sensor to port n'...step, the following error message may be displayed:

The default power level of 11 dBm is unachievable after calibration. Lower the power before starting calibration.

This means that a high amount of loss was measured in the path, and 11 dBm at the test ports will not be possible.

Cancel the calibration and lower the source power level using the Power and Attenuators dialog.

Perform a standard Source Power Cal - S-parameter measurements

When one or more power sensors that spans the frequency range of your S-parameter measurement are NOT available, then use the following process.

Note: Perform an S-parameter calibration AFTER performing the following Source Power Cal.

  1. Check ALC Enabled (if available) on the Millimeter Module Configuration dialog.

  2. Press Cal, then Power Cal then Source Cal then Options to launch the following dialog:

See the help topic for this dialog

  1. If one does not already exist, create a power table to be used to calibrate the PNA receiver. Learn how.

  2. Check Use a power table and the PNA reference receiver.

  3. Click Power Table, then navigate to the *.prn file.

  4. Click OK.

  5. Check Calibrate the source at multiple power levels.

  6. Click Power Levels, then enter the Max power, Min power, and Step Size at which source power should be corrected. Be sure that the source power for your measurement is within these power levels. Otherwise, source power will NOT be accurate. Learn more about this feature.

  7. Check Calibrate the PNA reference receiver, then click OK.

  8. On the Source Power Cal dialog, click Take a sweep.  The output of the test set is set to Max power and a sweep is performed to calibrate the reference receiver.

  9. Power is dropped for several subsequent sweeps. The calibrated reference receiver is used to fully characterize the source power.

  10. The entire correction table can be saved along with the instrument state in a *.csa file. Learn how.

  11. Power out of the input module should be flat and accurate.


Use the following calibration process to achieve accurate, leveled power at the mmWave test ports.

  1. With a configured SMC measurement active, press Cal, the Start Cal, then Calibration Wizard.

  2. At the SMC Calibration Setup dialog, when a Thru standard is NOT available, check Independent power cals for input and output ports (no thru).

  3. On the Select Ports dialog, check Calibrate source and receiver power, then click Next.

  4. At the following Power Cal settings dialog:

Learn about this dialog

    1. When you have ONE power sensor that spans the frequency range of your SMC measurement, then click Power Meter Settings to configure the power sensor. There are currently NO provisions for using multiple power sensors with SMC Calibration.

    2. Otherwise, use the following Power Table process.

      1. If one does not already exist, create a power table to be used to calibrate the PNA receiver. Learn how.

      2. Check Use Power Table.

      3. Click Power Table, then navigate to the *.prn file. The selected *.prn file is annotated to the dialog.

      4. Click OK.

  1. If you checked Independent power cals for input and output ports (no thru), you will ALSO be prompted to select a power table for Port 2.

  2. Complete the Guided SMC Cal process.

Power Table

Note: This is NOT the same table that is used for the Calibrate the source at multiple power levels feature.

A power table is a text file with data that describes the output power of the module as a function of frequency.  This is valid when the mmWave module is driven at high levels (+11 dBm).  This file may have been created for you by a third party or shipped with your mmWave Module. If not, you can create this *.prn file from the manufacturer's specification for the mmWave module.

This file can be created manually, using a text file program such as Notepad.  Copy the header information, and create the file with two columns, one for frequency and one for output power.

Example .prn file

Note: With Rev. 09.31, the first line of the *.prn file must have the Input power at which these measurements were made. Otherwise, an error message appears with the default value that will be assumed.  See above image for format.

Using Cal All Wizard for Supported mmWave Measurement Classes

Beginning with A.10.45.xx, the Cal All Wizard can be used to calibrate broadband and banded configurations.

A power table can be used instead of multiple power sensors to cover a wide frequency range. In addition, a power table can be used when the measurement frequency exceeds the frequency range of the power sensor (typically > 110 GHz). Refer to Power Table for information on how to create a power table.

The power table file name must be powertable1.prn, where "1" corresponds to the port number. This file must be stored in the following directory on the PNA:

C:\ProgramData\Keysight\Network Analyzer\Configurations\<configuration name>\

where configuration name is a directory name that is also the name of the currently selected configuration in the Millimeter Module Configuration dialog.

Once the power table has been created and saved to the directory shown above, it will be listed in the Sensor drop down menu in the Power Cal Settings dialog where it may be selected instead of a power sensor.

  1. Check ALC Enabled (if available) on the Millimeter Module Configuration dialog.

  2. Ensure that the measurement classes to calibrate are active.

  3. Press Cal, then Start Cal then Source Cal then Cal All Wizard to launch the following dialog showing the active measurement classes:

  1. Select the ports, click Next, then confirm or change the calibration properties in the Measurement Class Cal Properties dialog.

  2. Click Next. to access the Calibration Attenuator Settings dialog.

  1. In the Calibration Attenuator Settings dialog, perform the following:

    1. Set the attenuator settings. Learn more.

    2. Click on the Noise Reduction button to improve measurement accuracy. Learn more.

    3. Click on the Mechanical Devices button to view all switches and attenuators in the PNA. Learn more.

  2. Click Next, then select the DUT connectors and calibration kits in the Select DUT Connectors and Cal Kits dialog.

  3. .Click Next to access the Power Cal Settings dialog.

  1. In the Power Cal Settings dialog, perform the following:

    1. Check Use Multiple Sensors if more than one power sensor is needed to cover the frequency range then select a sensor from the Sensor down menu.

    2. Otherwise, check Use Multiple Sensors then select the power table from the Sensor drop down menu. Learn how to create a power table.

    3. Learn more about Accuracy Tolerance and Max Number of Readings.

  1. Click Next and follow the calibration process until completed.