Command Syntax
Where the required specifier {1:8}{A|B|C|D}
identifies a channel by its module slot number and channel letter. For example, channel 3C (CHANnel3C
The channel specifier will fail if it does not include a slot number. If instead the suffix's channel letter is missing, the command defaults to letter A
. As a result, the best practice is to always explicitly specify the channel by including both the module slot number and channel letter.
Starts a dark calibration on the indicated optical channel. A dark calibration is used to calibrate extinction-ratio measurements. Be sure to indicate the desired channel, for example CHAN1B
. The *OPC?
query should be used to detect when a portion of the calibration has completed. Use the :CALibrate:CONTinue
command to dismiss dialogs that are displayed during a calibration. Use the :CALibrate:DARK:CHANnel:DISCard
command to erase an existing dark calibration for the selected channel.
Dark Calibration Applies to Channel/Reference Filter Combination
The dark calibration is performed for the current Channel/Reference Filter combination. If the filter is changed, the channel's dark calibration will no longer be marked as valid. For the most accurate measurements, perform the calibration with the reference filter that you intend to use for your measurements.
For example, consider the situation where no dark calibrations have been performed for Channel 2A and you perform these steps:
- Select a 27.7393 GBd reference filter for Channel 2A and perform a dark calibration. The dark calibration is marked as valid.
- Select a 28.0500 GBd reference filter for Channel 2A. The dark calibration is now marked as uncalibrated.
- Select the original 27.7393 GBd reference filter for Channel 2A. The dark calibration is again marked as valid.
When to Perform a Dark Cal
A Dark Level calibration is very sensitive to environmental changes and as a result should be frequently performed. A Dark Level calibration is recommended when one of the following changes occurs:
- Channel filter rate is changed.
- Module is installed or removed.
- Temperature change more than ±5°C.
- Elapsed time exceeds 10 of hours.
- Power is cycled.
Example Command Sequence
:CALibrate:DARK:CHAN3A:STARt *OPC? … // Your code to synchronize execution timing. :CALibrate:CONTinue *OPC? … // Your code to synchronize execution timing. :CALibrate:CONTinue