
Flex Apps:

Command Syntax

:CHANnelN:BANDwidth  {BANDwidth1 | BANDwidth2 |  | BANDwidth16}

Where N identifies a specific channel and must be selected from {1:8}{A|B|C|D}. For example, CHANnel3C.

Query Syntax



Selects the sampler bandwidth (in Hz) of an electrical or optical channel. There can be up to 16 supported sampler bandwidth settings, depending on the module. The sampler bandwidth affects the width of the sampling pulse used by the instrument. Wider bandwidths allow the instrument to respond to fast changes in a waveform. The increased bandwidth yields the highest measurement fidelity. Narrow bandwidth offers the best sensitivity by reducing the noise on the input waveform while still maintaining good frequency response. A lower sampler bandwidth is especially useful for low-level signals that cannot be averaged.

The command argument identifies a bandwidth setting that is:

  • For electrical channels, shown in the Bandwidth field of the Channel Setup dialog. For example, BANDwidth2 identifies the second from the top listing, 15.0 GHz, shown in this picture.
  • For optical channels, shown in the Sampler Bandwidth field of the Advanced settings in the Channel Setup dialog. For example, BANDwidth2 identifies the second from the top listing, 15.0 GHz, shown in this picture.

Recommended Alternative

The following commands are the preferred method of setting the channel bandwidth as they set the value explicitly rather than implicitly thereby making your code more reliable and easier to read:

Example Command Sequence

The following command selects the second sampler bandwidth selection shown in the Channel Setup dialog.

:CHANnel2A:BANDwidth BANDwidth2


:CHANnel2A:BANDwidth:FREQuency 15.0E9

Child Commands