Command Syntax
Performs a screen capture of the FlexDCA window and saves the image to the specified file name and extension that is specified with the :DISK:SIMage:FNAMe
command. The filename extension selects the file's graphics format. To increment the automatic file number index, use the :DISK:SIMage:FNAMe:AUPDate
If a displayed dialog is outside FlexDCA's window, it will not be included in the screen image capture. Use the Windows Print Screen function instead.
To assign the saving of a screen image file to the front-panel Multi-Purpose button, use the :SYSTem:MPButton:FUNCtion
Use an *OPC?
query to pause program execution while waiting for this command to execute.
Include in Screen Capture
Use the :DISK:SIMage:WINDow
command to select the area within the application's window to save in the image. You can select the entire display or Waveform content window including Waveform, Magnitude, Phase, or Delay windows. If a waveform content window is selected, use :DISK:SIMage:SINClude
to select a particular waveform within the selected window. The menu bar, toolbars, tables, and status bar are not included in the image file. In Jitter Mode, the waveform and graticule are saved as if the Graph panel was closed; jitter result graphs are not included. Any dialogs open and positioned over the viewing area are not saved in the file.
Select Monochrome (:DISK:SIMage:MONochrome
command) to save a black and white image. This selection automatically selects inverts the graticule area's background color.
Invert Graticule Area Background Color
Select Invert Graticule Area Background Color (:DISK:SIMage:INVert
command) to save the entire application window with the graticule black and the graticule background white. The waveform colors remain unchanged. If combined with Include in screen capture, this option is especially useful when printing a hard copy of the waveform as it saves ink or toner.
Include Metadata
Select the include Metadata (:DISK:SIMage:IMETadata
command) for .jpg and .tiff files to include metadata in the graphics file. Metadata can be read by many applications such as Window's File Explorer.
Include or Exclude Measurement Annotations
To select to include or exclude measurement annotations that are placed on a waveform, set or clear Annotations in the Results panel use the (:MEASure:ANNotations:STATe
Example Script
Example script for saving screen images to files with autonumbering.
This example shows how to save a screen capture to a file that is located on the DCA-X's hard drive and then return the file to a computer.
:DISK:SIM:FNAM "%USER_DATA_DIR%\Screen Images\filename" :DISK:SIM:SAVE;*OPC? :DISK:BFILE? "%USER_DATA_DIR%\Screen Images\filename.png"