
Meas. mode:
Flex Apps:

Command Syntax

:SYSTem:MPButton:FUNCtion {NONE | SSCReen | RSCRipt | LSETup | SDWFile}

Query Syntax



Assigns one of four possible actions to the 86100D's front-panel Multi-Purpose button according to the arguments NONE, SSCReen, RSCRipt, and LSETup. A default setup (:SYSTem:DEFault) will not reset this setting but a factory preset (:SYSTem:FACTory) does reset it to NONE. The following arguments can be used:

The Multi-Purpose button is disabled. This is the factory preset setting.
Configures the Multi-Purpose button to save a screen image to a file. The factory preset filename for the saved image is QuickScreenSave.jpg. An integer is appended to the file name and is incremented each time a screen is saved.
Screen Image Information
FlexDCA InstalledScreen CapturedDefault File Location
On 86100D86100D86100D
PC (connected to 86100D)FlexDCA on PCPC
PC (not connected to 86100D)FlexDCA on PCPC
Configuration Commands for Screen Images
CommandDescriptionSetting Reset By
Default SetupFactory Preset
:MPButton:SIMage:BFNameChange the default path and filename for saving screens images.
:MPButton:SIMage:IMETadataTurns on and off the saving of metadata for jpg and tiff files.
:MPButton:SIMage:INVertTurns on and off the inversion the graticule area's background color.
:MPButton:SIMage:MONochromeTurns monochrome screen capture on and off.
:MPButton:SIMage:SAVESaves a screen image.

Example Command Sequence

:SYSTem:MPButton:SIMage:BFName "ProtoWaveform.png"  //  Assign a base filename
:SYSTem:MPButton:SIMage:INVert ON
:SYSTem:MPButton:FUNCtion SSCReen  //  Assign saving a screen image to Multi-Purpose button
Configures the Multi-Purpose button to run a SCPI script. The factory preset scripts are named in the following table.
Configuration Commands for Running Scripts
CommandDescriptionSetting Reset By
Default SetupFactory Preset
:MPButton:QSPBack:SSCRiptSelects one script for all four instrument modes or a different script for each mode. The default script is MultiPurpose.scpi.
:MPButton:QSPBack:EYE:FNAMeSpecifies the script to run in Eye mode. The default script is MultiPurpose Eye.scpi.
:MPButton:QSPBack:JITTer:FNAMeSpecifies the script to run in Jitter mode. The default script is MultiPurpose Jitter.scpi.
:MPButton:QSPBack:OSCilloscope:FNAMeSpecifies the script to run in Oscilloscope mode. The default script is MultiPurpose Scope.scpi.
:MPButton:QSPBack:TDR:FNAMeSpecifies the script to run in TDR/TDT mode. The default script is MultiPurpose TDR.scpi.

Example Command Sequence

:SYSTem:MPButton:QSPBack:SSCRipt OFF  //  Separate script for each Instrument mode
:SYSTem:MPButton:QSPBack:EYE:FNAMe "EyeOpeningScript.scpi"  //  Script for Eye mode
:SYSTem:MPButton:QSPBack:JITTer:FNAMe "JitterScript.scpi"  //  Script for Jitter mode
:SYSTem:MPButton:QSPBack:OSCilloscope:FNAMe "ScopeScript.scpi"  //  Script for Scope mode
:SYSTem:MPButton:QSPBack:TDR:FNAMe "TDRScript.scpi"  //  Script for TDR/TDT mode
:SYSTem:MPButton:FUNCtion RSCRipt  //  Assign running s script to Multi-Purpose button
Configures the Multi-Purpose button to run an instrument setup file.
Configuration Commands for Running Instrument Setups
CommandDescriptionSetting Reset By
Default SetupFactory Preset
:MPButton:QSETup:FNAMeLoads and runs an instrument setup file. The default script is MultiPurpose.setx.

Example Command Sequence

:SYSTem:MPButton:QSETup:FNAMe "EyeModeSetup.setx"
:SYSTem:MPButton:FUNCtion LSETup
Configures the Multi-Purpose button to save a documentation wizard file. To specify the name of the saved file, use the :SYSTem:MPButton:DOCWizard:BFName command. To select the contents for the documentation wizard file, use the :DWIZard commands that are located in the :DISK subsystem, as described in :DISK:DWIZard:SAVE command.
Configuration Commands for Saving a Documentation Wizard File
CommandDescriptionSetting Reset By
Default SetupFactory Preset
:MPButton:DOCWizard:BFNameSave a documentation wizard file. The default script is QuickDocWizardSave.zip.

Example Command Sequence

:SYSTem:MPButton:DOCWizard:BFName "%USER_DATA_DIR%\Documentation Results\DocWizard.zip"
:SYSTem:MPButton:FUNCtion SDWFile

Requires FlexDCA revision A.04.50 and above.