Command Syntax
:GRAPh:T:VOLTs{1:4}:X:DCONstant <dielectric constant>
Where the {1:4} specifier identifies one of four waveform content windows.
Where <dielectric constant> is a double ranging from 1.0 to 100.
Query Syntax
For the waveforms in the selected Time-Volts waveform content window, specifies the Dielectric Constant (εr), also known as Relative Permittivity, of the DUT path. This discribes the velocity of propagation through the DUT path which enables accurate scaling of the graph's X-axis when distance (meters) is selected using the :UNITs sibling command. The default setting for the X-axis is time (seconds). If you know the Velocity Factor for the DUT path, you can accomplish the same task using the :VFACtor command.
TDR/TDT mode's T-parameter responses are the source of Time-Volts waveforms.
Requires FlexDCA revision A.04.20 and above.