Command Syntax
:GRAPh:T:VOLTs{1:4}:X:POSition <reference position>
Where the <reference position> is a double.
Where the {1:4} specifier identifies one of four waveform content windows.
Query Syntax
Sets or queries the time or distance of the specified Time-Volts waveform content window at the display's reference position. The reference position is marked with the symbol at the top of the graticule. The horizontal scale can be in seconds-per-division or meters-per-division, depending on the setting of the :UNITs sibling command. Use the :SCAle sibling command to set horizontal seconds-per-division (or meters-per-division). Use the :AUToscale parent command to automatically scale both the waveform in both X and Y axis.
TDR/TDT mode's T-parameter responses are the source of Time-Volts waveforms.
Requires FlexDCA revision A.04.20 and above.