Command Syntax
:GRAPh:T:VOLTs{1:4}:X:VFACtor <velocity factor>
Where the <velocity factor> is a double ranging from 0.1 to 1.0.
Where the {1:4} specifier identifies one of four waveform content windows.
Query Syntax
For the waveforms in the selected Time-Volts waveform content window, specifies the Velocity Factor of the DUT path. As shown in the following equation, Velocity Factor (VF) is a ratio of the propagation velocity through a DUT (VP) to the speed of an RF signal in a vacuum. This enables accurate scaling of the graph's X-axis when distance (meters) is selected using the :UNITs sibling command. The default setting for the X-axis is time (seconds). If you know the Dielectric Constant (εr) for the DUT path, you can accomplish the same task using the :DCONstant command.

TDR/TDT mode's T-parameter responses are the source of Time-Volts waveforms.
Requires FlexDCA revision A.04.20 and above.