Command Syntax
Query Syntax
Upon completion of limit testing for a limit line test, a screen image can be saved to a graphics file. Use this command to turns on and off the inversion of the graticule area's background color. When on, an inverted image will be captured and saved into a file specified by the :LTESt:LLINe:SIMage:FNAMe
command. The entire application window is saved with the graticule black upon a white background. The waveform colors remain unchanged. When including your graphic files in documents that are to be printed, combine this command with the :LTESt:LLINe:SIMage:WINDow
command (graticule only) to save ink or toner.
Use the :LTESt:LLINe:SIMage:STATe
command to enable and disable screen-capture reporting. To enable or disable limit testing for a limit line test, use the :LTESt:LLINe:TEST:STATe

Requires FlexDCA revision A.04.50 and above.
Example Command