Meas. mode:
Flex Apps:
Command Syntax
:LTESt:LLINe:SIMage:WINDow {DISPlay | TIMe{1} | GDELay{1:4} | MAGNitude{1:4} | PHASe{1:4}}
Query Syntax
Upon completion of limit testing for a limit line test, a screen image can be saved to a graphics file. Use this command to select the waveform content window to include in the image. To actually specify that a screen image is saved, use the :LTESt:LLINe:SIMage:STATe
command. The following selections are available:
- DISPlay
- Includes the entire FlexDCA screen in the captured screen image. The use of this argument disables the
command and as a result all waveforms will be included in the screen image file. - TIMe1
- Includes only the Waveform content window in the captured screen image.
- GDELay{1:4}
- Includes only the Delay 1, Delay 2, Delay 3, or Delay 4 content window in the captured screen image. This selection is only available if one of these windows is actually displayed. Delay windows 2, 3, and 4 can only be displayed programatically and not using front-panel controls. The group Delay window can be selected as a display output format for FFT functions (
:FUNCtion:FOPerator FFT
). - MAGNitude{1:4}
- Includes only the Magnitude 1, Magnitude 2, Magnitude 3, or Magnitude 4 content window in the captured screen image. This selection is only available if one of these windows is actually displayed. Magnitude windows 2, 3, and 4 can only be displayed programatically and not using front-panel controls. The group Magnitude window can be selected as a display output format for FFT functions (
:FUNCtion:FOPerator FFT
). - PHASe{1:4}
- Includes only the Phase 1, Phase 2, Phase 3, or Phase 4 content window in the captured screen image. This selection is only available if one of these windows is actually displayed. Phase windows 2, 3, and 4 can only be displayed programatically and not using front-panel controls. The group Phase window can be selected as a display output format for FFT functions (
:FUNCtion:FOPerator FFT
Requires FlexDCA revision A.04.50 and above.
Example Command