Meas. mode:
Flex Apps:

Command Syntax

:LTESt:LLINe:SIMage:WINDow  {DISPlay | TIMe{1} | GDELay{1:4} | MAGNitude{1:4} | PHASe{1:4}}

Query Syntax



Upon completion of limit testing for a limit line test, a screen image can be saved to a graphics file. Use this command to select the waveform content window to include in the image. To actually specify that a screen image is saved, use the :LTESt:LLINe:SIMage:STATe command. The following selections are available:

Includes the entire FlexDCA screen in the captured screen image. The use of this argument disables the :LTESt:LLINe:SIMage:SINClude command and as a result all waveforms will be included in the screen image file.
Includes only the Waveform content window in the captured screen image.
Includes only the Delay 1, Delay 2, Delay 3, or Delay 4 content window in the captured screen image. This selection is only available if one of these windows is actually displayed. Delay windows 2, 3, and 4 can only be displayed programatically and not using front-panel controls. The group Delay window can be selected as a display output format for FFT functions (:FUNCtion:FOPerator FFT).
Includes only the Magnitude 1, Magnitude 2, Magnitude 3, or Magnitude 4 content window in the captured screen image. This selection is only available if one of these windows is actually displayed. Magnitude windows 2, 3, and 4 can only be displayed programatically and not using front-panel controls. The group Magnitude window can be selected as a display output format for FFT functions (:FUNCtion:FOPerator FFT).
Includes only the Phase 1, Phase 2, Phase 3, or Phase 4 content window in the captured screen image. This selection is only available if one of these windows is actually displayed. Phase windows 2, 3, and 4 can only be displayed programatically and not using front-panel controls. The group Phase window can be selected as a display output format for FFT functions (:FUNCtion:FOPerator FFT).

Requires FlexDCA revision A.04.50 and above.