Command Syntax
:LTESt:MTESt:MRESult{1:16}:STATe {ON | OFF | 1 | 0}
Where {1:16}
identifies the specific mask for which to apply the limit test.
Query Syntax
Query Response
{1 | 0}
Turns on or off mask-test limit testing for a specific mask. The test limit is defined as a specific number of failures for all mask regions (standard or margin). Use the :LTESt:MTEST:MRESult:FAILures
command to specify the number of failures that stop the limit test.
If however, you want to define very specific test limits for the different values reported in the Mask Test table, use a measurement limit test instead:
Requires FlexDCA revision A.03.00 and above.
The following example shows how to create a limit test on eye mask number 3 and run the test until 100 failures have occurred. After the test completes, results are reported:
- Waveform is saved to a file.
- Summary file is created.
- Monochrome screen image of the entire FlexDCA display is saved to a JPG file.
You can create a test for each active eye mask.
:ACQuire:SINGle // Stop waveform acquisition. :LTESt:MTESt:MRESult3:FAILures 100 // Create Test on Mask 3. Stop test after 100 failures. :LTESt:MTESt:SWAVeform:CHAN1A:STATe DISK // Save channel 1A data to file. :LTESt:MTESt:SWAVeform:CHAN1A:FNAMe "C:\Users\kentb\Documents\Keysight\FlexDCA\Waveforms\Mask Waveform.wfmx" // File Name. :LTESt:MTESt:SSUMmary:STATe ON // Save summary file. :LTESt:MTESt:SSUMmary:FNAMe "C:\Users\kentb\Documents\Keysight\FlexDCA\Limit Summaries\Mask Test 1.sum" // File Name. :LTESt:MTESt:SIMage:STATe ON // Save screen image. :LTESt:MTESt:SIMage:MONochrome ON // Monochrome image capture. :LTESt:MTESt:SIMage:WINDow DISPlay // Capture entire display. :LTESt:MTESt:SIMage:FNAMe "C:\Users\kentb\Documents\Keysight\FlexDCA\Screen Images\Mask.jpg" // File Name. :LTESt:MTESt:MRESult1:STATe ON // Turn limit test on. :ACQuire:RUN // Start waveform acquisition. *OPC? Wait for test completion.