Command Syntax
:MEASure:EYE:PAM:VECLosure:DEFine:EOPening:RJSValue:EYE{0|1|2} <double>
Where <double> is an RJ value in seconds.
Query Syntax
Enters a fixed RJ value for the specified eye. This value is applied to the VEC measurement when Fixed RJ has been selected with the :MEASure:EYE:PAM:VECLosure:DEFine:EOPening:RJSTabilize
command. Select the desired eye by appending a 0, 1, or 2 to identify the eye as shown in the following picture. The actual RJ is sent as a command argument. The default and minimum values are 0s. The maximum value is 1s. For example, to specify an RJ of 3 fs for eye 2, send this command:
:MEASure:EYE:PAM:VECLosure:DEFine:EOPening:RJSValue:EYE2 3E-15;

If VEC is measured on an NRZ signal, there are fewer Fixed RJ settings as required for only one eye. This requires only one fixed RJ value instead of three.
Requires FlexDCA revision A.06.60 and above.