Command Syntax
:MEASure:EYE:PAM:VECLosure:DEFine:EOPening:RNSValue:LEVel <double>
Where <double> is an RN value in volts.
Query Syntax
Enters a fixed RN value for the specified level. This value is applied to the VEC measurement when Fixed RN has been selected with the :MEASure:EYE:PAM:VECLosure:DEFine:EOPening:RNSTabilize
command. Select the desired level by appending a 0, 1, 2, or 3 to identify the level as shown in the following picture. The actual RN is sent as a command argument. For example, to specify an RN of 5 μs for level 2, send this command:
:MEASure:EYE:PAM:VECLosure:DEFine:EOPening:RNSValue:LEVel2 5E-6;

If VEC is measured on an NRZ signal, there are fewer Fixed RN settings as required for only two levels. This requires only two fixed RN values (levels 0 and 1) instead of four (levels 0, 1, 2, 3).
Requires FlexDCA revision A.06.60 and above.