Query Syntax
Where N identifies one of 64 {1:64} possible limit line tests. For example, :LLINe23
Where M identifies one of 16 {1:16} possible limit lines.
Queries the number of failed data points for a specific limit line defined within a Limit Line Test. To query the sum of all failed data points in all defined limit lines in a Limit Line Test, use the :MEASure:LLINe:FPOints?
query. To load and display a Limit Line Test, use the :LLINe:DISPlay
In the following picture, the :MEASure:LLINe1:LINE1:FPOints?
query would return the value 3. The :MEASure:LLINe1:LINE2:FPOints?
query would return the value 6.

To return the pass/fail margin for a limit line, use the :MEASuer:LLINe:LINE:MARGin?
query. To return the time value for the data point where the pass/fail margin occurs, use the :MEASuer:LLINe:LINE:MLOCation?
Only displayed data points are analyzed. For example, if you zoom in on the waveform so that a portion of a limit line is off screen, any failed data point that exists off screen will not be counted.
Requires FlexDCA revision A.04.50 and above.