
Meas. mode:
Waveform type:
Package License:
Flex Apps:

Command Syntax

:MEASure:PLEVel:LINearity:DEFinition {RLMA120 | RLMC94 | EYE}

Query Syntax


Query Response

 {RLMA120 | RLMC94 | EYE}


Selects the type of linearity measurement:


RLM (Ratio Level Mismatch) (IEEE 802.3 Annex 120D). Shown in the Level results table as RLM (A_120D). The linearity is defined as a function of the mean signal level transmitted for each PAM4 symbol level. The following picture identifies the voltage levels used in the following equations. In the following equations, the term ES stands for the Effective Symbol Level.

To optimize this algorithm:


RLM (Ratio Level Mismatch) (IEEE 802.3 Clause 94). Shown in the Level results table as RLM (CL_94).

If the four levels measurements are the following values:

  • L3 = 14.6 mV
  • L2 = 7.5 mV
  • L1 = –8.0 mV
  • L0 = –15.2 mV

then, the linearity will be 0.715 as given by:

To optimize this algorithm:

  1. Send :MEASure:AMPLitude:DEFine:LEVel CIDigits to base the measurement on Consecutive Identical Digits.
  2. Enter the longest number of identical digits possible with your waveform. The higher the number, the more accurate the results will be.

Eye Linearity (CEI 4.0). Shown in the Level results table as Eye Linearity. Eye linearity is the ratio of minimum eye amplitudes (in Volts) to maximum eye amplitudes (in Volts).

To optimize this algorithm,

  1. Send :MEASure:JITTer:DEFine:LWIDth PERCent to base the measurements on percent.
  2. Send :MEASure:JITTer:DEFine:LWIDth:PERCent to enter the Percent of UI of 5%. The level data is averaged over the center 5% of the UI.

The measurement algoritms used for the linearity measurements in Oscilloscope mode, Eye mode, and Jitter mode are identical. However, between these modes the measurement results yield small differences as the waveform data is represended differently within each instrument mode. For example, in oscilloscope mode measurement are made at the center of individual UIs while eye mode measurements are made on the center of all acquired UIs at once.

Requires FlexDCA revision A.06.40 and above.