
Meas. mode:
Flex Apps:

Command Syntax

:MEASure:REGions:STATe {ON | OFF | 1 | 0}

Query Syntax


Query Response

{1 | 0}


Enables and displays all defined measurement regions in Oscilloscope Mode. Measurement regions allow you to restrict the data used for a measurement to a specific area of the source waveform as defined by left and right X-axis limits. Up to eight measurement regions can be specified. Use the :MEASure:REGions:COUNt command to specify the number of regions. Use the :MEASure:REGions:REGion:X{1:2} command to set the x-axis boundaries for each region.

After defining one or more regions, use the :REGion child command of a specific measurement to apply a region to the measurement. For example, limit a rise-time measurement to the data within region 3, use the following command:

:MEASure:OSCilloscope:RISetime:REGion REGion3

Requires FlexDCA revision A.01.70 and above.

Measurement regions are only available in Oscilloscope and TDR modes.

The Jitterp-p and Jitterrms measurements can not be made on a measurement region.

Example Command Sequence

:SYSTem:MODE OSCilloscope
:MEASure:REGions:COUNt 1
:MEASure:REGions:REGion1:X1 40E-12
:MEASure:REGions:REGion1:X2 100E-12
:MEASure:OSCilloscope:RISetime:SOURce CHAN1A
:MEASure:OSCilloscope:RISetime:REGion REGion1