Measurement Errors
Meas. mode:
Flex Apps:
If a measurement cannot be made the string "9.91E+37 (NaN)" is returned as the measurement result. Negative infinity is reported as −9.9E+37 (−Infinity). Examples that cause this situation to occur include:
- Lack of data
- The signal is clipped
- The source signal is not displayed
- The requested measurement is not possible (for example, a period measurement on an FFT waveform)
Use a measurement command's :STATus?
child query to determine if a measurement was correctly performed. If not, use the :STATus:REASon?
child query to return a message string that helps to identify the cause. The following table shows some of the common response strings.
Query Response | Description |
Oscilloscope and Eye Mode Measurements | |
Edge? | The required edge was not found. |
Voltage? | The requested amplitude was not found. |
Top = Base | The waveform top and base are equal. |
Incomplete | The completion criteria has not been met. |
Clipped Hi | The waveform is clipped at the top of the display. |
Clipped Low | The waveform is clipped at the bottom of the display. |
Too Small | The input signal is too small. |
Lower? | The lower threshold is not on the waveform. |
Upper? | The upper threshold is not on the waveform. |
Thresholds? | The upper and lower thresholds are too close. |
Time? | The requested time is not on the waveform. |
Time? | The requested time was not found. |
Left? | The left bounding data point was not found. |
Right? | The right bounding data point was not found. |
Top? | The specified eye top is not on the waveform. |
Base? | The specified eye base is not on the waveform. |
Eye? | Unable to identify the eye. |
Crossings? | Not enough crossings were found. |
No data | Not enough samples have been acquired. |
Source off | The source is turned off. |
Source? | The source waveform is not in the correct format. |
Jitter? | The jitter is too large. |
Period? | The measurement period is too small. |
Transition? | The measurement transition is too small. |
Width? | The measurement pulse width is too small. |
Cross? | The crossing is too thin. |
Dark Level? | The dark level is invalid. |
Corr Factor? | The Correction Factor is larger than the measured ER. |
Mismatch | Not all waveforms were acquired simultaneously. |
Cal Req'd | {0} requires calibration. |
DFE? | The measurement is not defined for the output of a DFE. |
Jitter Mode Measurements | |
Level? | Sample level is out of valid range. |
Jitter | Excessive Jitter. |
Pattern | Incorrect pattern parameters. |
Eye? | Eye is closed. |
Edge? | Too many points outside range of the edge model. |
Clipped | Histogram is clipped. |
Edge? | Unable to create monotonic edge model. |
Edges? | No suitable edges for measurement. |
Jitter | One/Zero level measurements may be corrupted by excessive jitter. |
RJ Comp? | The RJ Compensation Factor is too large. |
RN Comp? | The RN Compensation Factor is too large. |
JSA-RJ? | Jitter Spectrum Analysis is reporting an RJ value that is too large. |
RN Comp? | Unable to apply RN Compensation/Stabilization using current Jitter Data. |