Meas. mode:
Flex Apps:

Command Syntax


Where N identifies a specific mask and must be a value from 1 to 16 {1:16}. For example, :MTESt2: selects mask 2.


Loads the mask file specified with the :MTESt:LOAD:FNAMe command. When a mask is loaded, it is automatically displayed and mask testing immediately begins. There is no query form of this command. To turn mask testing off, use the :MTESt:DISPlay OFF command.

Up to 16 eye mask tests can be running at the same time. When multiple tests are running, use the :DISPlay:TMASk command to select which eye mask test results are displayed in the Mask Test results table. Masks are numbered in the order that they are created.

Use of an *OPC? query to pause program execution while waiting for this command to execute.

Be sure to back up your user files to prevent accidental loss of important data.

After a mask is loaded, it remains loaded until you perform a default setup or load a different mask. This feature allows you to load a mask only one time if testing multiple devices against the same mask.

Any change to the waveform setup resets the measurement database and starts the acquisition of new data. The mask test also stops and restarts with the waveform and mask hits counts reset to zero. Changing a channel's vertical scale, vertical offset, horizontal position, horizontal scale, and filter status (on or off), trigger settings, or performing an Auto Scale will also reset the measurement database.

Child Commands