
Deprecated command. For FlexDCA revision A.05.60 and above, use the :TIMebase:UIPosition command.

Command Syntax

:TIMebase:BPOSition  <delay>

<delay> is a double.

Query Syntax



Sets the bit delay, when the timebase units are set to bits (:TIMebase:UNITs). Use :TIMebase:BRANge to set the number of bits displayed. Use :TIMebase:BRATe to automatically set the bits displayed and bit delay based on the bit rate.

In Jitter Mode, bit rate, bits displayed, and bit delay controls are disabled. Do not use this command in Jitter Mode. It generates an error.

Example Command Sequence

:TIMebase:BRANge 5.0E-01
:TIMebase:BPOSition 2.39874E+02