:TIMebase Subsystem
The Timebase (TIMebase) subsystem commands control the horizontal (X axis) functions. This includes scaling, which is applied to all of the Time-Domain content windows: Waveform, Time-Ohms, Time-Volts, and Time-%. Click here to learn important information about content windows and window axis scaling. In addition, this subsystem includes commands that are used to control the optional N1000A-PTB Internal Precision Timebase option.
To control the precision timebase that is provided with 86107A precision timebase, N1060A Precision Waveform Analyzer, and 86108A/B Precision Waveform Analyzer modules, use commands found in the :PTIMebase
The N1000A-PTB Internal Precision Timebase option is disabled whenever an 86108A/B Precision Waveform Analyzer Module or N1060A or 86107A Precision Timebase Module is installed.
Clock Pattern Distortion Compensation
Use the :TIMebase:PDCompensate
command to turn on clock pattern distortion compensation. Clock pattern distortion compensation is useful in certain situations that result in interactions between internal CDR sub-rate clocks with the signal under test. A full description is provided in the command's topic.