
Meas. mode:
Flex Apps:

Query Syntax


Query Response

The data is returned as comma-separated values.


Returns color grade/gray scale database values in ASCII format. Color grade/gray scale data is transferred as a two dimensional array consisting of 521 rows by 751 columns for a total number of 391,271 points. This array corresponds to the graticule display, where each point contains a sample hit count. The array is transferred column by column, starting with the lower left corner of the graticule.

The time for any column of data points can be calculated as:


  • Xincrement is the time spacing between database columns and is returned with the :WAVeform:EYE:XINCrement? query.
  • Xindex is the column count index, starting at zero and ending at 750, the value returned by the :WAVeform:EYE:COLumns? query.
  • Xorigin is the time position of the first column and is returned using the :WAVeform:EYE:XORigin? query.

The voltage for any data point at a given row (that contains a hit count) is determined by using the following equation:


  • Yincrement is the amplitude spacing between database rows and is returned with the :WAVeform:EYE:YINCrement? query.
  • Yindex is the row count index, starting at zero and ending at 521, the value returned by the :WAVeform:EYE:ROWS? query.
  • Yorigin is a voltage value of the top row and is returned using the :WAVeform:EYE:YORigin? query.

To transfer the data in integer values, use the :WAVeform:EYE:INTeger:DATa? query.

Requires Eye/Mask Mode (:SYSTem:MODE).