PAM4 12-Edge Output Jitter

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Located on Jitter mode's Meas toolbar, the 12-Edge Output Jitter button turns on PAM4 Output Jitter measurements that are designed for the IEEE 802.3bs standard. When making these measurements, the standard calls for using a PRBS13Q pattern. When on, the Output Jitter panel replaces the standard Jitter Eye and Level panels. The panel automatically displays results for the following measurements:

An Output Jitter Histogram graph is displayed which, by default, includes the contribution of all PAM4 edge transitions. Click on the graph's Cycle Edge button to view the histogram for a specific edge transition. You can adjust Output Jitter settings in the following tabs of the Jitter Mode Measurement Setup dialog (Measure > Configure Jitter Mode Measurements):

Under certain conditions, the annotations described in the following table are displayed at the top of the panel.

Panel Annotations
Annotation Description
TF Indicates that tail-fit RJ/PJ separation is turned on in the Advanced tab of the Jitter Mode Measurement Setup dialog.
Sim? Displayed when an EOJ measurement is attempted on the waveform that is from a simulated module. These simulated waveforms do not adequately resemble the effect of the oscilloscope's trigger setup on the measured EOJ.
SP Indicates that the waveform has signal processed jitter. Signal processed jitter results from the signal passing through a signal processing operator (Measure > Waveform Signal Processing) or applying SIRC (System Impulse Response Correction).
RJ compensation Indicates RJ compensation is turned on in the Advanced tab of the Jitter Mode Measurement Setup dialog.
RN Indicates RN compensation is turned on and signal processed jitter is applied (see the entree for SP above). This is the only case where RN compensation affects 12-edge measurement results. RN compensation is turned on in the Advanced tab of the Jitter Mode Measurement Setup dialog.

You can run measurement limit tests on 12-Edge Output Jitter measurements.

SCPI Command


12-Edge Output Jitter Measurements Listed in the Panels
Measurement Name Access Remote Command Additional Information
EOJ 12-Edge Output Jitter button :MEAS:JITT:OJITter:EOJ For PAM4 signals only.
J4u 12-Edge Output Jitter button :MEAS:JITT:OJITter:J4U For PAM4 signals only.
Jrms 12-Edge Output Jitter button :MEAS:JITT:OJITter:JRMS For PAM4 signals only.