N1092x Block Setup

FlexOTO Instance:
Hardware Diagram

Use the N1092x Setup dialog allow you to enter Extinction Ratio Correction Factors (ERCF) for use with the Outer Extinction Ratio. The ERCF provides correlation between DCA-X modules and DCA-M extended modules.

Select Apply Correction Factor to apply the entered values to the selected channel. Correction factor values are subtracted from the measured extinction ratio. For example, if a module's channel reports extinction ratio measurements that are too high, you would need to enter a positive correction factor value. If the extinction ratio measurements that are too low, enter a negative correction factor value.

Place N1092x Setup blocks to the right side of the Switch block in the Hardware Diagram.

Hardware Diagram N1092x Block N1092x Setup Dialog

If you hold the shift key down while dragging the N1092x block to the Hardware Diagram, the block will automatically connect to the switch inputs.