Impairment Block Setup

FlexOTO Instance:
Hardware Diagram

Use the Impairment dialog to change the name of the Impairment block. Impairment blocks can represent items such as a fiber spool.

Place Impairment blocks to the left side of the Switch block in the Hardware Diagram.

Hardware Diagram Impairment Block Impairment Setup Dialog

Nominal Attenuation

Enter the nominal attenuation of the Impairment block. When an optical calibration is active, all loss due to this impairment and connected switch paths, excluding the nominal attenuation specified in this dialog, will be removed from the relevant measurements.

The default nominal attenuation is 0 dB.

User Name

Use the User Name field to enter a custom name for a Impairment. The name is limited to 25 characters. If a longer string is entered, only the first 25 characters is used. Valid characters are restricted to the set of characters that can be used when naming files in Windows.

To reset a custom user name to the default name, clear the User Name field.

The user name is:

  • Displayed on the Hardware Diagram.
  • Used as an argument when connecting ports with :CONfigure:PORT:CONNect command.
  • Listed in a Station's Test Program, Active Jobs, and Job Results.
  • Saved with the Hardware Diagram Setup file (*.setx).
  • Saved with the Job Results file (*.zip).

The default name user name that FlexOTO assigns is Impairment #. To reset a custom User Name to the default name, clear the User Name field.

If you hold the shift key down while dragging the Impairment block to the Hardware Diagram,the block will automatically connect to the switch inputs.