Calculate:Custom Commands

Creates and modifies application measurements:




See Also

CALCulate<cnum>:CUSTom:DEFine <Mname>, <type> [,param]

(Write-only)  Creates a custom measurement. The custom measurement is not automatically displayed. You must also do the following:




Any existing channel number. If unspecified, value is set to 1.


Name of the measurement. Any non-empty, unique string, enclosed in quotes.


(string) - Choose from the following (click or scroll down to view valid <params> for each type)


(variant) Measurement names to create:

Meas Class

Measurement Name



"S11", "S21", and so forth

"A_1","A_2", and so forth

S-parameter name

Unratioed parameter names with notation: "receiver_source port"

See Balanced S-parameter measurement names

Active Hot Parameters

Port 1 is the Source Port (DUT input). Port 3 or Port 2 can be chosen as the output of the DUT.













Learn about Active Hot parameters

"Vector Mixer/Converter"

For output port Y (input port must be 1):




Learn about VMC parameters

Note: Input and output ports are set up using the Mixer Setup dialog. If the ports are not set up using the Mixer Setup dialog, then ports 1 and 2 are the default input and output ports and the only ports that can be used.

"Scalar Mixer/Converter"

For input port X and output port Y:









Learn about SMC parameters

Note: Input and output ports are set up using the Mixer Setup dialog. If the ports are not set up using the Mixer Setup dialog, then ports 1 and 2 are the default input and output ports and the only ports that can be used.

"Gain Compression"

Learn more

"Gain Compression Converters"

Learn more

GCA and GCX:


Input power at the compression point.


Output power at the compression point.


Gain at the compression point.


 Input Match at the compression point


Linear Gain


CompGain21 -Linear Gain

"S11", "S21", "S12", "S22"

Standard S-parameters; measured at port 1 and port 2

GCX - All Gain Compression parameters (except S21 and S12) plus the following:









Mixer parameters

"Noise Figure Cold Source"

Learn more

"Noise Figure Converters"

Learn more

Noise Figure AND NFX:


Noise figure


Validate noise source measurements.


Effective noise temperature.



DUT noise power ratio. (Noise power expressed in Kelvin divided by 290).



System noise power ratio



DUT noise power density. (Noise power expressed in dBm/Hz).



System noise power density.  

(Opt 029 Only)

Indication that the noise receiver is being over powered.


(Opt 029 Only)

Temperature reading (in Kelvin) of the noise receiver board.

Noise Figure ONLY - NOT NFX:

"S11", "S21", "S12", "S22"

Standard S-parameters; measured with the port1 and port2 noise switches set for noise mode.

"A_1","A_2" ...and so forth.

Unratioed parameters; with notation:
"receiver, source port"


Optimum Complex Reflection Coefficient


Noise Resistance


Minimum noise figure that occurs at GammaOpt










Mixer parameters

"ALO1"," BLO1" ...and so forth.

Test port receiver at LO1 frequency

"R1_1", "B_2" ..and so forth.

Unratioed parameters with notation:

"receiver_source port"

"Swept IMD"

"Swept IMD Converters"

Learn more

There are over 150 possible Swept IMD parameters, too many to list here.

Build the parameters with the Swept IMD Parameter dialog, then copy the parameter name to the remote command.

The following are a few example parameters:


Absolute power of the Low tone at the DUT output.


Power of the third product relative to the average power of the f1 and f2 tones measured at the DUT output.


Theoretical power level at which the third product will be the same power level as the average of the main tones at the output of the DUT.

"IM Spectrum"

Learn more


View signals OUT of the DUT and into PNA port 2 (B receiver).


View signals IN to the DUT (R1 receiver).


View signals reflected off the DUT input and back into PNA port 1 (A receiver)

"IMx Spectrum Converters"

Learn more


View signals OUT of the DUT and into PNA port 2 (B receiver)

"Differential I/Q"

Learn more

Create custom parameters using Sens:DIQ:Par:Def, then specify your custom parameter name here.

The following are default parameters:




Input Power over F1 range

Output Power over F1 range

Gain over F1 range

"Spectrum Analyzer"

Learn more



where <n> is the port number to measure


where <n> is the image reject trace

Reference receiver

Test port receiver



CALC:CUST:DEF 'My VC21', 'Vector Mixer/Converter','S22'

calculate2:custom:define 'MyNF', 'NoiseFigure', 'NF'

Query Syntax

Not applicable




Not applicable

CALCulate<cnum>:CUSTom:MODify <param>

(Write-only)  Changes the selected custom measurement to a different parameter.

See an example using this command for a VMC and SMC measurement




Channel of the custom measurement to be changed. First, select the measurement using CALC:PAR:SEL.


Parameter to change the custom measurement to. Select a parameter that is valid for the type of measurement. Choose from the same arguments as Calc:Cust:Def.



CALC2:CUST:DEF 'My VC21', 'Vector Mixer/Converter'



Query Syntax

Not applicable




Not applicable