File | Instrument | Response | Stimulus | Utility | Cal | Apps | Remote ONLY
Description |
Create an FCA measurement |
Change an FCA measurement |
Sweep type |
Map DUT ports to PNA ports |
Read Input port map |
Read Output port map |
Minimum required FCA (SMC) Cal commands SCPI examples. |
Create Cal object |
None |
Begin Cal |
Set connector type for each port |
Set Cal Kit for each port |
Returns the number of steps required by the Calibration |
Returns the step description. |
Measure a standard |
Generate Error Terms |
Optional FCA (SMC) commands See SMC specific optional commands |
Set THRU method |
Sets ECAL auto-orientation ON or OFF |
Sets ECAL port map when orientation is off. |
Perform or Omit Isolation |
SMC network embed/deembed |
SMC filename |
SENSe:CORRection:COLLect:GUIDed:SMC:FSIMulator:NETWork:FILename |
Import existing Phase Ref Cal or Source Power Cal |
Use Thru or perform separate power cals |
Include Reverse SC12 sweep |
Include input/output match correction |
Use Nominal Incident Power |
Enable LO Power Cal |
Save to s2p and s2px file |
SCPI examples. |
Recalculate |
Segment Calculate |
Query Count |
Add Segments |
Delete Segments |
Remove All Segments |
State |
Number Of Points |
Input Fixed Freq |
Input Start Freq |
Input Stop Freq |
Input Fixed/Swept |
Input Power |
Output Fixed Freq |
Output Start Freq |
Output Stop Freq |
Output Fixed/Swept |
Output (+/-) |
Output Power |
LO Fixed Freq |
LO Start Freq |
LO Stop Freq |
LO Fixed/Swept |
Input >LO |
LO Power |
IF (+/-) |
ADCRecordSizeMax |
ADCRecordSizeMin |
Read occupied bandwidth center frequency |
OccupiedBandCenter |
Set and read occupied bandwidth percentage of span |
OccupiedBandPercent |
Read the occupied bandwidth power. |
OccupiedBandPowerdBm |
Read occupied bandwidth span |
OccupiedBandSpan |
Set occupied bandwidth state |
OccupiedBandState |
Mixer Setup commandsUsed for FCA applications. See the Mixer / Converter Setup topic |
Create or Change a Custom (Application) Measurement |
Create a custom measurement |
Change a custom measurement |
Return handle to a converter object |
None |
Mixer Bottom Buttons and X-Axis display |
Load a mixer setup |
Save a mixer setup |
Apply mixer settings |
Discard Changes |
X-axis display |
Calculate Input and Output frequencies |
Input to swept or fixed |
Input start frequency |
Input stop frequency |
Input power level |
Input fixed frequency |
Set LO |
LO freq fixed or swept |
LO fixed frequency |
LO start frequency |
LO stop frequency |
Input Greater / Less that LO |
Set IF |
Sideband (high or low) |
IF start frequency |
IF stop frequency |
Set Output |
Sideband (high or low) |
Output start frequency |
Output stop frequency |
Output to swept or fixed |
Output fixed frequency |
LO power |
LO power start |
LO power stop |
Source Attenuator |
Receiver Attenuator |
Leveling Mode |
Number of LOs (1 or 2) |
Recall a previously-configured external source. |
Assign a source to mixer input or LO. |
Read all assigned roles |
Read the source assigned to a role. |
Input Numerator Frac.Mult |
Input Denominator Frac.Mult |
LO Numerator Frac. Mult. |
LO Denominator Frac.Mult |