
Flex Apps:

Command Syntax



Starts an N1000A mainframe user calibration. The following table lists the input clock signal requirements for the calibration waveform. The source of the calibration waveform must be a calibrated microwave or vector signal generator. Do not use a pattern generator or arbitrary waveform generator. When the calibration starts, the N1000A automatically switches to oscilloscope mode.

Connect the signal to an N1000A's electrical channel input and to the front-panel trigger input. Use the :CALibrate:FRAMe:TIMebase:USER:CHANnel command to specify the input channel. After performing the calibration, you can export the calibration data to an xml file using the :CALibrate:FRAMe:TIMebase:USER:EXPort command. The file can be imported back into the N1000A.

Clock Signal Requirements
DCA-X Frequency Amplitude
N1000A 26.000000 GHz 140 mVpp to 980 mVpp

Requires FlexDCA revision A.05.80 and above.