
Flex Apps:

Command Syntax

:CALibrate:SLOTN:ENABled {ENABled | DISabled}

Where N identifies a specific module by slot and must be selected from {1:8}. For a module that occupies multiple slots, use the module's left-most slot number to identify the module. For two-slot modules, the slot number would be 1 or 3. For four-slot modules like the 86108B, the slot number would be 1.

Query Syntax



For the indicated slot, selects or deselects all listed calibrations. The listed calibrations vary depending on the type of module installed. For example, for the 86112A dual-electrical module only vertical calibrations are available. For the 86108B, vertical, clock recovery, and precision timebase calibrations are available as shown in the following picture. The command query indicates if all calibrations are enabled or disabled or partially enabled. To set the availability of individual calibrations, use the CALibrate:SLOTN:VERTical, CALibrate:SLOTN:CRECovery, and CALibrate:SLOTN:PTIMebase commands. To perform all selected calibrations, use the :CALibrate:SLOT:STARt command. These commands affect the Calibration dialog indicators, as shown in the following picture.

Selects all calibrations for the indicated slot to be performed.
Prevents all calibrations for the indicated slot from being performed.

Requires FlexDCA revision A.01.70 and above.

Query Response

Indicates that all calibrations for the indicated slot are selected.
Indicates that all calibrations for the indicated slot are disabled.
Indicates that some calibrations for the indicated slot are selected and some are deselected.