:FRAMe Subsystem
This subsystem only applies to demo and evaluation N1002A-S40 instruments.
The :FRAMe
subsystem commands configure the optical switch paths (routes) in an N1002A-S40. This control from FlexDCA can be helpful for troubleshooting. However, always use the FlexOTO's switch commands when using the FlexOTO application. The :FRAMe
subsystem commands must be sent to FlexDCA and not to FlexOTO.
Use the :FRAMe:SWITch:GROup:ROUTe
command to connect a path the switch (a source port to a destination port. Up to 32 routes (paths) can be configured using the command depending on the maximum licensed switch paths in the N1002A-S40.
Use the :FRAMe:SWITch:GROup:ROUTe:LISt?
child query to return a comma separated list of ports ID arguments for all ports on the switch.
child query to return, for a specified source port, a comma separated list of all valid destination port ID arguments including "DISCONECTED".
You can run a test that verifies the integrity of a switch path using the :FRAMe:SWITch:VERify:CHANnel
and :FRAMe:SWITch:VERify:STARt
Use the :FRAMe:SWITch:WAVelength
command to select the wavelength setting for the optical switch's internal tunable optical filter.
This subsystem requires FlexDCA revision A.07.40 and above.