
Deprecated command. For FlexDCA revision A.03.00 and above.

Query Syntax


This command supports the STATus? and STATus:REASon? common child commands.


Queries the reciprocal of the difference in time between any two X-axis markers (1/ΔX): X1 manual marker, X2 manual marker, waveform tracking markers X1/Y1, or waveform tracking markers X2/Y2. The two markers can have different source waveforms. To turn on an X manual marker, use the :MARKer:X<N>:STATe command. To turn on a waveform tracking marker, use the :MARKer:Y<N>:STATe command.

Common Measurement Child Queries

Common measurement queries. :COUNt?, :LOCation?, :MAXimum?, :MINimum?, :MEAN?, and :SDEViation?.

Child Commands

:STATus? queries the measurement status.

:STATus:REASon? query to determine why a measurement failed.

Example Command Sequence

  //  Marker 1 turned on as a manual marker
  //  Marker 2 turned on as a waveform tracking marker